Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2009-2010

Computational Systems Biology, 30 cr

Type of the study block

Major Studies


Harri Lähdesmäki, Olli Yli-Harja, Reija Autio

Learning outcomes

- Systems biology requires joint work with experts from different fields - molecular and cell biology, biomedical sciences, mathematics, statistics, signal and image processing, and computer science - to study complex biological phenomena. Due to the increased number of large scale biological and biomedical measurements, mathematical models are increasingly used in order to interpret the experimental data. Computational systems biology provides mathematical and computational tools for analysis and modeling of the structure and function of biological systems. Mastering of signal processing methods and analysis of dynamic systems provides an excellent basis for entering the expanding field of modern systems biology. The computational systems biology module gives the theoretical basis and practical skills for design and implementation of the required computational tools as well as successful inter-disciplinary collaboration.

Degrees the study block may be included in

Science and Bioengineering - International Master's Student-Science and Bioengineering
Information Technology - International Master's Student-Master of Science in Information Technology
Biomedical Engineering - International Master's Student-Biomedical Engineering


Study block Credit points Mandatory/Advisable
Information Technology 25 cr Mandatory


Compulsory courses

Students writing their Master's thesis in Computational Systems Biology must complete the courses SGN-1986 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar, 1 cr and SGN-1996 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar Presentation, 0 cr.

Course Credit points
SGN-1656 Signal Processing Laboratory 5 cr
SGN-1986 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar 1 cr
SGN-1996 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar Presentation 0 cr
SGN-6057 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology 3 cr
SGN-6106 Computational Systems Biology 5 cr
Total 14 cr

Alternative studies

In addition to the compulsory courses, 5 credits must be taken from of the optional courses.

Must be selected at least 5 points of courses

Course Credit points
SGN-6166 Introduction to R programming 3 cr
SGN-6176 Microarray Data Analysis 5 cr
SGN-6186 Mathematical Modeling of Cellular Systems 5 cr
SGN-6236 Modeling Techniques for Stochastic Gene Regulatory Networks 3 cr
Total 16 cr

Supplemental courses

The minimum number of 30 credits for the advanced study module shall be completed with studies selected freely from the list below.

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (30)

Course Credit points
MAT-51646 Design of Experiments 4 cr
SGN-2556 Pattern Recognition 5 cr
SGN-2606 Statistical Signal Processing 5 cr
SGN-3057 Digital Image Processing II 6 cr
SGN-6206 Genomic Signal Processing 5 cr
SGN-6457 Computational Models in Complex Systems 5 cr
Total 30 cr

Additional information

The student can complete only one of the three advanced study modules in Signal Processing (Computational Systems Biology, Multimedia or Signal Processing).

Last modified07.04.2009
ModifierElina Orava