Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2009-2010

Biomedical Engineering, 25 cr

Type of the study block

Minor Studies


Jari Hyttinen

Learning outcomes

- The student possesses the basic knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human body.
- The student has basic knowledge about the key concepts and definitions in biomedical engineering.
- The student knows the essential application areas of biomedical engineering.

Degrees the study block may be included in

Science and Bioengineering - International Master's Student-Science and Bioengineering
Biomedical Engineering - International Master's Student-Biomedical Engineering


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points
BME-1156 Biomedical Engineering A 2 cr
BME-1166 Biomedical Engineering B 2 cr
BME-1176 Biomedical Engineering C 3 cr
LTT-1016 Human Anatomy and Physiology 6 cr
LTT-1126 Measurements of Physiological Systems 4 cr
LTT-1806 Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Course 4 cr
Total 21 cr

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (25)

Course Credit points
BME-2606 eHealth 5 cr
LTT-2306 Instrumentation in Clinical Chemistry 5 cr
LTT-3307 Radiation Physics 3 cr
LTT-4106 Processing of Physiological Signals 5 cr
Total 18 cr

Last modified18.05.2009
ModifierTouko Apajalahti