Course Catalog 2010-2011

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2010-2011

Complementary studies, 22 cr

Type of the study block

Minor Studies


Petri Suomala

Learning outcomes

- A personal study plan will be designed for each student depending on the student's background (i.e. previous degree and studies). The minimum amount of credits is 22. Students with technical studies in their B. Sc. will learn how basic management concepts and tools are applied in different organizational functions. Students who have included business studies in their B. Sc. will strengthen their technical competences further.


Alternative studies

A personal study plan will be designed for each student depending on the student's background. The study plan MAY include either technical courses or courses such as:

Must be selected at least 22 points of courses

Course Credit points
LIKU-8207 Supply Chain Management 4 cr
TETA-1016 Basics of Industrial Management 4 cr
TETA-1107 Corporate Organisations and Leadership 4 cr
TETA-1306 Marketing Management 4 cr
TETA-1406 Operations Management 5 cr
TETA-1506 Technology Management 3 cr
TITA-1106 Basics of Information and Knowledge Management 4 cr

Last modified03.08.2010