Course Catalog 2010-2011

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2010-2011

Radio Frequency Electronics - Master of Science (Technology)


Head of the Degree Programme: Lauri Sydänheimo
Faculty Secretary: Saara Kallio, Päivi Salo
Study Coordinator: Anna-Mari Viitala

Learning outcomes

- Studies leading to the degree of Master of Science in Technology will provide students with: The competence to apply the knowledge acquired during advanced studies and a scientific approach to topical and concrete tasks
- The competence to operate in different expert, development and management positions in working life
- The competence to participate in societal debate pertaining to technology
- The competence to use their language, communication and cooperation skills in working life and to apply them to scientific activities and societal debate
- After achieving the learning outcomes, students will meet the prerequisites for pursuing a postgraduate degree and continuous learning.


Common programme and subject-related studies, 20 cr

Learning outcomes

- Upon completion of the common studies students are able to comprehend essentials of physical, mathematical, and engineering background of the RF electronics.
- Students are capable of applying relevant mathematical tools to solve questions related to the field.
- Students are able to utilize concepts of electric circuit theory, electronics, and electromagnetics.
- Students are capable of following key practices of technical writing and scientific working methods.

Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
SMG-8046   RF-Electronics Preparatory I 5 cr I  
SMG-8146   RF-Electronics Preparatory II 5 cr I  
SMG-8306   Transmission Lines and Waveguides 7 cr I  
Total 17 cr  

Supplemental courses

TLT-8017 is strongly recommended, if electronics has not been one's major or minor in the Bachelor's degree.

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (20)

Course Credit points Class
KIE-1056   Finnish for Beginners 1 3 cr I  
OHJ-1156   Programming II 5 cr I  
SGN-1157   Signal Processing Basics 3-5 cr I  
TLT-5206   Communication Theory 5-7 cr I  
TLT-6106   Basic Course on Wireless Communications 5 cr I  
TLT-8017   Basic Communication Circuits - 1 6-7 cr I  

Major studies

Study block Credit points
Radio Frequency Electronics 30 cr

Minor studies

Study block Credit points
Biomedical Engineering 25 cr
Digital and Computer Electronics 30 cr
RF ASIC Design 25 cr
Signal Processing 25 cr
Switched-Mode Converter Design 20 cr
Wireless Communications 25 cr

Optional studies, 10 cr

Student can freely select the courses according to one's intrest as long as minimun of the degree (120 cr.) is done.

Master's Thesis (30 cr)

Learning outcomes

- Completion and reporting of a large independent scientific assignment. Student gains ability to understand the scientific and professional concepts of the major. In connection with the thesis, student has to write a maturity test, which is an essay written on a topic related to the thesis. The test demonstrates the student’s command of the thesis topic.

Additional information

Completion and reporting of a large independent scientific assignment. Student gains ability to understand the scientific and professional concepts of the major. In connection with the thesis, student has to write a maturity test, which is an essay written on a topic related to the thesis. The test demonstrates the student's command of the thesis topic.



Last modified26.03.2010