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TTY - Opinto-opas 2014-2015 - Jatko
Elektroniikka ja tietoliikennetekniikka
- ELT-22130 Sovelletun elektroniikan erityiskysymyksiä, 5-6 op
- ELT-22206 Electronics Reliability, 5 op
- ELT-22216 Electronics Materials, 5 op
- ELT-22226 Advanced Electronics Production Technologies, 4 op
- ELT-22236 Electronics Miniaturisation, 5 op
- ELT-22246 Semiconductor Device Physics, 5 op
- ELT-23050 Sulautettujen järjestelmien tuotteistaminen, 5 op
- ELT-23200 Näyttöjärjestelmät, 5 op
- ELT-29000 Henkilökohtaisen elektroniikan tohtoriseminaari, 5 op
- ELT-29050 Sovelletun elektroniikan tohtoriseminaari, 5-8 op
- ELT-29106 PhD Seminar on Applied Electronics, 5-8 op
- ELT-43206 Spread Spectrum Techniques, 5-7 op
- ELT-43306 Advanced Course in Digital Transmission, 5-7 op
- ELT-44006 Receiver Architectures and Signal Processing, 5-7 op
- ELT-45306 Advanced Course on Wireless Communications, 5 op
- ELT-46106 Satellite Navigation Receivers, 5 op
- ELT-46206 Signal Processing for Mobile Positioning, 5-7 op
- ELT-47266 Active RF Circuits, 5 op
- ELT-47286 RF Project, 10-11 op
- ELT-47446 Antennas, 8 op
- ELT-47466 Antenna Project, 4-6 op
- ELT-47606 Radio Frequency Identification Technology, 5 op
- ELT-47626 Wireless Solutions in Intelligent Environments, 5-15 op
- ELT-47646 Special Topics in RFID Applications, 5-15 op
- ELT-49006 Advanced Topics in Wireless Communications, 3-6 op
- ELT-49106 Advanced Topics in Radio Network Planning, 3-6 op
- ELT-49206 Doctoral Assignment in Wireless Communications, 3-8 op
- ELT-49506 Graduate Research Seminar in Communications Engineering, 3-6 op
- ELT-49606 Doctoral Studies in Automatic Identification, 5-15 op
- ELT-49806 Advanced RF Com.Circuits Seminar, 9 op
- ELT-51006 Networking Laboratory I, 4-5 op
- ELT-51106 Computer Networking I, 4-6 op
- ELT-53006 Networking Laboratory II, 3-5 op
- ELT-53106 Computer Networking II, 4-6 op
- ELT-53206 Peer-to-Peer Networks, 3-5 op
- ELT-53306 Wireless Networking, 3-5 op
- ELT-53406 Special Course on Networking, 3-6 op
- ELT-53506 Seminars Course on Networking, 3-6 op
- ELT-53606 Network Analysis and Dimensioning I, 4-7 op
- ELT-53656 Network Analysis and Dimensioning II, 4-7 op
- ELT-59006 Advanced Topics in Communication Networks, 3-6 op
- ELT-59106 Doctoral Assignment in Communication Networks, 3-8 op
- ELT-62206 Commercialization in Biomedical Engineering, 4 op
- ELT-62356 Product Development of Biomedical Devices, 5 op
- ELT-62406 Small Samples Data Analysis, 3 op
- ELT-63206 Bioelectronics, 4 op
- ELT-63256 Bio-Optoelectronic Instrumentation, 5 op
- ELT-63306 Modelling of Physiological Systems, 5 op
- ELT-63356 Analysis of Bioelectric Phenomena, 4 op
- ELT-69006 Doctoral Seminar on BME, 5-10 op
- ELT-72206 Implantology, 3 op
- ELT-73206 Biodegradable Polymers, 5 op
- ELT-74206 Tissue Engineering Applications, 5 op
- ELT-82050 Tekniikan kehitykseen liittyvät terveyskysymykset, 5 op
- ELT-82100 Energia-alan terveyskysymykset, 5 op
- ELT-82200 Tekniikan kehitys eettisenä kysymyksenä, 5 op
- TST-90006 Orientation to Doctoral Studies, 3 op