Study Guide 2015-2016

Data Engineering, 30 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Timo Aaltonen, Alpo Värri, Juho Kanniainen, Ari Visa, Ireneusz Defee, Moncef Gabbouj

Learning Outcomes

- Students in data engineering will have:
- good understanding on data engineering and data science
- the ability to analyse big data
- ability to design data mining applications.
- knowledge of relevant computer systems and programming techniques


The students should pay attention to the prerequisite requirements of the courses they select to their Data Engineering module. For example, the basic signal processing, programming or pattern recognition courses are prerequisites to some of the courses in the module. ( Advisable )


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
SGN-42006 Machine Learning 5 cr IV  
SGN-43006 Knowledge Mining and Big Data 5 cr IV  
TIE-22306 Data-intensive Programming 3 cr IV  
Total 13 cr  

Optional Compulsory Courses

Must be selected at least 14 credits of courses

Course Credit points Alternativity Class
SGN-41006 Signal Interpretation Methods 4 cr 3   IV  
SGN-81006 Signal Processing Innovation Project 5-8 cr 1   V  
TIE-13100 Tietotekniikan projektityö 5-10 cr 1   V  
TIE-20100 Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit 5 cr 2   IV  
TIE-20106 Data Structures and Algorithms 5 cr 2   IV  
TIE-23406 Distributed Systems 5 cr 3   IV  
TST-01606 Demola Project Work 5-10 cr 1   V  

1. Select 1 courses. Choose one of the project courses
2. Select 1 courses. Choose one of the courses
3. Select 1 courses. Choose at least one of the courses

Complementary Courses

The students should acquire knowledge and skills to work with databases either by taking the 1-2 database courses offered or by self-studying them.

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 30 ETCS

Course Credit points Class
ASE-7516 Dynamic Planning with Incomplete Information 5 cr V  
ASE-7716 Predictive and Fuzzy Control 5 cr IV  
MAT-64500 Datan analyysimenetelmät mallinnuksessa 4 cr IV  
MAT-65000 Tilastolliset mallit 4 cr IV  
MAT-82106 Semantic Modeling 4 cr IV  
SGN-31006 Image and Video Processing Techniques 6 cr IV  
SGN-41006 Signal Interpretation Methods 4 cr IV  
SGN-53007 Computational Diagnostics 5 cr IV  
SGN-54006 Introduction to Neuroinformatics 5 cr IV  
SGN-83006 External Network Course in Signal Processing 1-8 cr V  
TIE-22100 Johdatus tietokantoihin 4 cr IV  
TIE-22200 Tietokantojen suunnittelu 6 cr V  
TIE-23406 Distributed Systems 5 cr IV  
TLO-11016 Management Information Systems 4 cr V  
TLO-35256 Data and Information Management 4 cr IV  
TTA-32010 Johdon laskentatoimi 5 cr IV  
TTA-35020 Laskentatoimi johtamisen tukena 4 cr IV  
TTA-45010 Yritysrahoitus ja rahoitusmarkkinat 5 cr III  
TTA-72030 Toiminnanohjaus 4 cr IV  

Additional information

Data engineering concerns gathering, analysing and management of huge data sets available in the networked world from the Web, sensors, social media. Data engineering includes thus: text, web, media mining, temporal, spatial, scientific, statistical, financial and biological databases. Data engineering involves also management by metadata and XML, heterogeneous, and distributed databases and data warehouses and systems including security and integrity control.

Last modified18.02.2016