KIE-11000 Suomi 3, 3 op
Finnish 3
KIE-11000 2015-02
Opetusmuoto | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Kesä | Luentoajat ja -paikat |
Ryhmä 2
Jenni Hakanen
International Students
Opintojaksolla käytetään numeerista arviointiasteikkoa (1-5)
Lisätietoja toteutuksesta:
The group size is 26 students. When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, then we enrol the required number of students according to the following criteria: 1) students' position at TUT - students for whom the course is compulsory have priority, 2) the time of the sign-up. Students on the sign-up / waiting list have to be present on the first day of the course to be sure of retaining their place.