Study Guide 2015-2016

KIE-33006 Written Communication in English, 3 cr


Study type P1 P2 P3 P4 Summer Lecture times and places
Online work



 12 h/week



Intensive course in period 4

Person responsible:

Adrian Benfield
Sarina Lewis

Target groups:

Tekniikan kandidaattiopiskelijat

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Additional information of course implementation:

PLEASE NOTE: Degree students with an Eximia or Laudatur in English from their Matriculation Exam can take a written exam, and if they pass, they don't have to take thIS course. Please refer to the English Language Exams Moodle site at for more information and a registration form. The old English Language Exam KIE-3210 corresponds to this course in terms of its key content, and is accepted as equivalent to KIE-33006. We recommend that you do this written communication course only after you have completed the spoken communication course. **************** IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE: Learning will take place online. However, there is one contact lesson offered mid-way. There is no exam. Students need to have access to email and internet throughout the term. It is extremely important that students notify the responsible teacher concerned if they decide to drop out after the sign-up deadline. Prior to the course starting, students will receive a link to an online survey where they will have to confirm whether they still want a place. If students don't respond to this survey, we will assume that they are no longer interested and remove the sign-up from Rock. Students will find out whether they have a place or not on the first day of the course. When a course is over-subscribed, i.e. there are more sign-ups than places on the course, then we enrol the required number of students according to the sign-up time and target group. In the latter case, priority will be given to students approaching the end of their studies, or students whose programme dictates that the studies should be completed within a certain timeframe. If you believe that you qualify as one of these priority cases, then please contact the course teacher, providing further explanation and evidence.