Study Guide 2015-2016

TLO-35246 Software Business, 4 cr

Additional information

Lisätietoja opintojakson Moodle-sivuilta.
Suitable for postgraduate studies

Person responsible

Nina Helander


Implementation 1: TLO-35246 2015-01

Study type P1 P2 P3 P4 Summer


 20 h/per
 4 h/per



Lecture times and places: Tuesday 12 - 16 FA133 , Wednesday 9 - 12 SE203 , Tuesday 12 - 15 TC219 , Wednesday 9 - 12 TB205 , Monday 12 - 15 TB207 , Tuesday 9 - 12 TC171 , Tuesday 9 - 12 SA203 ja harjoitussaliksi SE201


Osallistuminen opetukseen, harjoitustyö ja tentti.

Learning Outcomes

Student understands the basic principles of software business and the special characteristics of software industry. He/she can critically analyze and develop software business models. Student can apply theoretical knowledge and understanding of the software business characteristics to create a solid business plan for a software start-up.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Software industry  Historical development and status of the industry. Value networks in the industry.   
2. Software business models  SaaS models.   
3. Management and leadership in software business  Leading professionals in software business. Productization and marketing.   
4. Business plan for a software intensive company  Software start ups.  Financing, IPR's. 

Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes

Opiskelijan osaamista arvioidaan ryhmässä tehtävillä harjoitustyöllä ja itsenäisesti tehtävällä lopputentillä. Saadakseen arvosanan kolme (3) opiskelijan tulee osoittaa hyvää kurssin ydinaineksen osaamista.

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Additional information Examination material
Lecture slides             Yes   
Other literature           Muu opintojakson aikana jaettava materiaali (artikkelikokoelma)   Yes   

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
TLO-35246 Software Business, 4 cr TITA-5800 Software Business, 4 cr  

Last modified 26.03.2015