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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2015–2016
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Courses offered in English at School of Management (Master's level)


I Periodi (31.8.2015 – 18.10.2015)
II Periodi (19.10.2015 – 20.12.2015)
III Periodi (11.1.2016 – 6.3.2016)
IV Periodi (7.3.2016 – 29.5.2016)
Periodi (31.8.2015 - 18.10.2015)
Kauppatieteiden syventävät opinnot [I Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

Eeva-Mari Ihantola, Teacher responsible
7-Sep-2015 – 15-Dec-2015
Exercises 50 hours Web-based
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Available for: Exchange students. Exercises, cases and essays online in English.
(Perustutkinto-opiskelijoille suomenkielinen toteutus syksyllä 1.-2. periodeissa.)

Preceding studies:

Recommended: Basic and Intermediate studies in Accounting (min 50 ects).

Sufficient English language skills.

Politiikan tutkimuksen syventävät opinnot [I Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

This course is organized in the form of Tampere Russia Club which is a forum that brings together visiting lecturers representing the academia, public sector organisations, businesses, NGOs, etc. Students taking part in the course play an active part in organising the meetings of the Club. Together with the responsible teacher, they plan and run the programme of the seminar, chair lectures, advertise the events and write reflective posts to the course blog.

Enrolment for University Studies

The course is compulsory for the students of the RES Master's Programme. Other students wishing to take part in the course must sign-up by 14.9. (anni.kangas@uta.fi).

Anni Kangas, Teacher responsible
18-Sep-2015 – 27-May-2016
Seminar 20 hours
Fri 18-Sep-2015 at 12-14, Pinni A4086
Fri 2-Oct-2015 at 12-14, Pinni A4086
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English

This course brings key concepts in International Relations into a dialogue with events and dynamics in Russian and European relations. We will familiarize ourselves with concepts such as integration, empire, foreign policy, globalization, hegemony, human rights, levels of analysis, nationalism, peace and war, power, sovereignty, territoriality, and borders.

Enrolment for University Studies

The course is compulsory for RES Master's Programme students. Other students should sign-up by 3.9. (anni.kangas@uta.fi).

Anni Kangas, Teacher responsible
7-Sep-2015 – 15-Oct-2015
Lectures 24 hours
Mon 7-Sep-2015 - 14-Sep-2015 weekly at 10-12, Linna K110
Thu 10-Sep-2015 at 14-16, Atalpa 140
Thu 17-Sep-2015 at 14-16, Linna K110
Mon 5-Oct-2015 - 12-Oct-2015 weekly at 10-12, Linna K110
Thu 8-Oct-2015 - 15-Oct-2015 weekly at 14-16, Linna K110
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (19.10.2015 - 20.12.2015)
Hallintotieteiden syventävät opinnot [II Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [II Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Lasse Oulasvirta, Teacher responsible
VINNARI EIJA, Teacher responsible
LAIHONEN HARRI (5814), Teacher responsible
19-Oct-2015 – 9-Nov-2015
Mon 19-Oct-2015 at 16-18, Pinni B 3116
Mon 2-Nov-2015 - 9-Nov-2015 weekly at 14-18, LINNA K109
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Kauppatieteiden syventävät opinnot [II Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [II Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
John Kihn, Teacher responsible
19-Oct-2015 – 30-Nov-2015
Lectures 28 hours
Mon 19-Oct-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A2b
Mon 26-Oct-2015 at 14-17, Main Building A2a
Mon 2-Nov-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A2b
Mon 9-Nov-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A2b
Mon 16-Nov-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A3
Tue 17-Nov-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A4
Mon 23-Nov-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A3
Tue 24-Nov-2015 at 13-16, Main Building A4
Mon 30-Nov-2015 at 12-16, Main Building A3
Tue 15-Dec-2015 at 16.00-20, Main building D10ab, EXAMINATION! Please enrol in Nettiopsu seven days before the offical examination day
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Ritva Höykinpuro, Teacher responsible
20-Oct-2015 – 13-Nov-2015
Lectures 15 hours + 3 hours Web-based
Tue 20-Oct-2015 at 9-12, Pinni A1081
Tue 27-Oct-2015 at 9-12, Linna K110
Tue 3-Nov-2015 at 9-12, Päätalo A2b
Tue 10-Nov-2015 at 9-12, Pinni A1081
Fri 13-Nov-2015 at 9-12, Pinni A3111
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

The course will cover a range of approaches that can be described as ’cost-benefit analysis’ and which have been used to assess some of the advantages and disadvantages of a vast range of policies and projects. Such methods have been applied widely in the health care sector, but the course will also present case studies of applications to many other areas of government policy.

Starting with an overview of some of the theory underlying economic evaluation as well as some of the ways in which it is practiced in the health-care sector and when assessing social care services, the course will then continue with the more practical application of economic evaluation to a number of fields. The latter part of the course will show how to generate cost-effectiveness data through decision analytic modelling and use them in decision making, with applications to public policies, namely mass screening in public health and school dropout in education.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pekka Rissanen, Teacher
Josselin Jan-Michel, Teacher
Booth Neill, Teacher
30-Nov-2015 – 4-Dec-2015
Lectures 18 hours
Mon 30-Nov-2015 at 9-12, Pinni B1097
Tue 1-Dec-2015 at 10-16, Pinni A1081
Thu 3-Dec-2015 at 9-14, Pinni A, Paavo Koli auditorium
Fri 4-Dec-2015 at 9-14, Pinni A3111
Exercises 7 hours
Mon 30-Nov-2015 at 12-16, TietoPinni computer lab 9
Wed 2-Dec-2015 at 9-12, Pinni B computer lab 40
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This course is aimed for post-graduate students in health sciences, economics, social sciences or other policy-related subjects. Advanced graduate students in these fields of research are also welcome.

Politiikan tutkimuksen syventävät opinnot [II Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [II Periodi]

It is commonly argued that the European Union suffers from a democratic deficit. Yet both academics and politicians are divided about both the existence of such deficit and about ways of addressing it. Drawing on a wide range of recent publications, the course examines various dimensions of the alleged democratic deficit from lack of citizen engagement to scenarios of genuine supranational democracy.

Enrolment for University Studies

Email registration by 12 October essential

Tapio Raunio, Teacher responsible
19-Oct-2015 – 7-Dec-2015
Seminar 24 hours
Mon 19-Oct-2015 - 7-Dec-2015 weekly at 11-13, Main building C5
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English


It all used to be so neat and tidy – either a single-party, majority Conservative government or a single-party, majority Labour government. That was the classical two-party Westminster model. Then in 2011 the election produced a ‘hung parliament’ and a continental-style coalition of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. Two referenda – on a new electoral system and Scottish Independence – and then, in May 2015, against all the opinion polls predictions, a return to a very narrow single-party Conservative government. Moreover, Cameron has promised an ‘in-out’ referendum on British membership of the European Union in 2017. What’s going on in British politics? In Scotland in May 2015 the Scottish National Party won 56 out of the 59 Westminster seats ‘north of the border’ with 50% of the vote; in England the populist, anti-EU United Kingdom Independence Party attracted 14.2% of the electorate and the Greens got 4.2%. Despite the return to single-party government, British politics displays more ‘continental features’ than ever before. The course will begin with the May 2015 British general election and consider the extraordinarily changing nature of contemporary British politics.

The main themes will include:

  •  The Westminster model – changed for ever?
  •  The use of continental-style referenda
  •  The role of the House of Commons and the devolved assemblies (Scotland and Wales)
  • The rise of significant ‘third parties’ (SNP, UKIP, Plaid Cymru, Greens)
  • Changing patterns of voting behaviour

Lecture Programme

October 20  The 2015 British General Election: ‘The End of British Politics’?

October 22  The ‘Continentalisation’ of British Politics: An Analytical Framework

October 27  The British Parliament: A Toothless Tiger?

October 29  Towards a Federal Britain or the Break-Up of Britain?

November 3  Where will the ‘Neverendum’ End? Scotland Towards Independence?

November 5  In/Out, Shake It All About: Party Politics and the 2017 EU Referendum

November 10 Must Labour Lose?

November 12 Plus ça change…..

Enrolment for University Studies

Email registration by 12 October essential

David Arter, Teacher responsible
20-Oct-2015 – 12-Nov-2015
Lectures 16 hours
Tue 20-Oct-2015 - 10-Nov-2015 weekly at 10-12, Main building E222
Thu 22-Oct-2015 - 12-Nov-2015 weekly at 10-12, Main building E222
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

This course provides an introduction and overview over the disciplines of political and critical discourse analysis. The course will focus on various approaches to political discourse analysis as a tool for analyzing power relations. There is no set single approach, as the field is quite porous. The related works of scholars will be made available for the students for reading, analysis, and reflection during the course.  After the course, the students are expected to better understand the various approaches to political discourse analysis and are better equipped to utilize these theories in their forthcoming work. The students will be more adept at spotting discursive practices in political speech and the media and evaluate possible underlying modes of argumentation.  The language of the course is English, so students are expected to be reasonably proficient in reading and writing academic texts in this language.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment via email to teacher responsible. Optimal group size is 20 students, so places on the course are limited. Enrolment prioritized for political science students, otherwise in order of registration.

Mikko Poutanen, Teacher responsible
28-Oct-2015 – 14-Dec-2015
Lectures 14 hours
Wed 28-Oct-2015 - 9-Dec-2015 weekly at 10-12, Linna K108
Seminar 16 hours
Thu 29-Oct-2015 - 10-Dec-2015 weekly at 14-16, Linna K108
12-Nov-2015 at 14 –16 , Pinni A3107
Mon 14-Dec-2015 at 14-17, Pinni A4060, Additional seminar for Advanced students
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (11.1.2016 - 6.3.2016)
Hallintotieteiden syventävät opinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Ilari Karppi, Teacher responsible
15-Jan-2016 – 26-Feb-2016
Lectures 18 hours
HALKAS14 - Lectures
Fri 15-Jan-2016 - 26-Feb-2016 weekly at 9.15-11.45, Pinni A3103
Independent work 10 hours
Seminar 4 hours
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Vuokko Kohtamäki, Teacher responsible
8-Mar-2016 – 7-Apr-2016
Lectures 20 hours
Lectures 20 h
Tue 8-Mar-2016 at 15.00-18.00, Main building D11
Thu 10-Mar-2016 at 15.00-18.00, PinniA3111
Wed 16-Mar-2016 at 9.00-12.00, PinniA3103, 3 h
Mon 21-Mar-2016 at 13.00-16.00, PinniA Paavo Koli -sali, 3 h
Wed 6-Apr-2016 at 14.00-18.00, PinniA3111, 4 h
Thu 7-Apr-2016 at 14.00-18.00, PinniA3111, 4 h
Independent work
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course includes a written asignment

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Markku Sotarauta, Teacher responsible
14-Jan-2016 – 12-May-2016
Lectures 20 hours
Luennot + kaikki muu
Thu 14-Jan-2016 - 12-May-2016 weekly at 10.15-11.45, PinniB 3111
Group work
Seminar 12 hours
Independent work 40 hours
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Kauppatieteiden syventävät opinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Lili Kihn, Teacher responsible
20-Jan-2016 – 17-Feb-2016
Lectures 16 hours
Wed 20-Jan-2016 - 17-Feb-2016 weekly at 12-15, Linna K109
17-Feb-2016 at 12 –16 , Linna K109
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Hannele Mäkelä, Teacher responsible
15-Jan-2016 – 4-Mar-2016
Fri 15-Jan-2016 at 12.00-15.00, Pinni A3107
Fri 29-Jan-2016 at 12-15, A3107
Fri 5-Feb-2016 at 12-15, A3107
Fri 12-Feb-2016 at 12-15, A3107
Fri 19-Feb-2016 at 12-15, A3107
Fri 4-Mar-2016 at 12-15, A3107
Seminar 18 hours
Study Group
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
John Kihn, Teacher responsible
Lauri Lepistö, Teacher responsible
14-Jan-2016 – 12-Feb-2016
Lectures 28 hours
Thu 14-Jan-2016 at 8-12, Main Building A2a
Thu 21-Jan-2016 - 11-Feb-2016 weekly at 9-12, Main Building A2a
Fri 29-Jan-2016 - 12-Feb-2016 weekly at 9-12, Main Building A2a
Thu 18-Feb-2016 at 9-12, Main Building A2a
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please note that the schedule is subject to changes

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Lasse Koskinen, Teacher responsible
12-Jan-2016 – 23-Feb-2016
Lectures 21 hours
KATVRS42 Investment Management in Insurance Institutions
Tue 12-Jan-2016 - 23-Feb-2016 weekly at 14-17, Linna K108
19-Jan-2016 at 14 –17 , TietoPinni ML9
21-Jan-2016 at 9 –12 , Pinni ML40
9-Feb-2016 at 14 –17 , TietoPinni ML9
11-Feb-2016 at 9 –12 , Pinni ML40
Tue 1-Mar-2016 at 14-18, Linna K113
Supervision of exercises and team works
Wed 3-Feb-2016 at 10-12, Pinni A2020
Wed 10-Feb-2016 at 10-12, Pinni A2020
Wed 17-Feb-2016 at 10-12, Pinni A2020
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Malla Mattila, Teacher responsible
14-Jan-2016 – 4-Mar-2016
Lectures 15 hours + 3 hours Web-based
Thu 14-Jan-2016 at 12-15, Pinni A 3111
Thu 28-Jan-2016 at 12-15, Päätalo ls A3
Thu 11-Feb-2016 at 12-15, Linna K113
Thu 25-Feb-2016 at 12-15, Linna K113
Fri 4-Mar-2016 at 9-12, Pinni B 3107
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Politiikan tutkimuksen syventävät opinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

The course critically examines the underlying structural and institutional causes of the Euro crisis. After completion, students will have a better understanding of the basic features of economic governance under the Economic and Monetary Union and the governance reforms implemented during the euro crisis. Students will be able to orient current developments within an appropriate historical context and understand the limitations this history imposes on the contemporary policy landscape.

Enrolment for University Studies

Email registration by January 11 essential

Michael Herman, Teacher responsible
18-Jan-2016 – 4-Mar-2016
Seminar 24 hours
Mon 18-Jan-2016 - 29-Feb-2016 weekly at 10-12, Pinni A3103
Fri 22-Jan-2016 - 4-Mar-2016 weekly at 12-14, Pinni A3103
19-Feb-2016 at 12 –14 , Pinni A3112
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (7.3.2016 - 29.5.2016)
Kauppatieteiden syventävät opinnot [IV Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [IV Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Hanna Lehtimäki, Teacher responsible
Anna Heikkinen, Contact person
11-Mar-2016 – 22-Apr-2016
Lectures 15 hours
Group work 3 hours
Fri 11-Mar-2016 - 18-Mar-2016 weekly at 9-12, Linna K113
Fri 1-Apr-2016 - 22-Apr-2016 weekly at 9-12, Pinni B ls 3116
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

The purpose of this course is to provide a review of modern econometric tools that economists and other social scientist use to estimate causal impacts of policies on economic outcomes. The course starts with theoretical material covering these techniques, which is presented in a fairly non-technical manner. The second part of the course consists of guest lectures by leading Finnish scholars. They will present how modern economics research and econometrics has been used in the analysis of effectiveness of a wide range of different economic policies.

The aim of the course is to equip the students with capabilities to understand applied economic policy research, as being done by academics and economists in research institutes alike, and give the basics for apply the tools themselves in their research.  The visiting lectures provide state of the art knowledge on the particular fields in economic analysis and examples of applying econometric tools in practice.

The main textbook for the first part of the course is Joshua D. Angrist & Jörn-Steffen Pischke (2014) “Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect”, Princeton University Press.  The required reading list also contains selected articles and book chapters by the visiting lecturers.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Pirttilä Jukka, Teacher responsible
Markku Konttinen, Contact person
10-Mar-2016 – 9-May-2016
Lectures 28 hours
Thu 10-Mar-2016 - 17-Mar-2016 weekly at 12-14, Pinni room A3103
Mon 21-Mar-2016 at 12-14, Pinni room A3103
Thu 31-Mar-2016 - 28-Apr-2016 weekly at 12-14, Pinni room A3103
Mon 4-Apr-2016 - 9-May-2016 weekly at 12-14, Pinni room A3103
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Detailed Lecture Schedule

Exam dates
1st course exam: Mon May 16 at 12-16 in Pinni B3107 (no need to sign up)
1st retake: Tue June 7 at 12-16 in main building D10a+b, sign up at least 7 days before the exam at NettiOpsu
2nd retake: Mon September 12 at 8-12 in main building D10a+b

-Fundaments of key legal business law issues. General principles of contract law, especially concerning contracting and negotiations in international context.
-Key principles of Corporate Governance and limited liability companies.
-Basic concepts of international tax law.
-Managing the legal risks of taxation and tax planning and tax-related risks in cross-border business.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Janne Ruohonen, Teacher responsible
Martti Nieminen, Teacher
Matti Urpilainen, Teacher
10-Mar-2016 – 22-Mar-2016
Lectures 9 hours
Thu 10-Mar-2016 at 10-13, Pinni A3111
Thu 17-Mar-2016 at 10-13, Linna K110
Tue 22-Mar-2016 at 10-13, Pinni A3111
Wed 30-Mar-2016 at 12.00-15, Atalpa 140, exam
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Course is meant for students of Master's Degree Programme in Business Competence and master level exchange students.

Politiikan tutkimuksen syventävät opinnot [IV Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [IV Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Hannes Peltonen, Teacher responsible
4-Apr-2016 – 23-May-2016
Seminar 20 hours
Mon 4-Apr-2016 - 16-May-2016 weekly at 15-17, Pinni A3103
Mon 23-May-2016 at 10-16, Pinni A3103
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

The global geo-political context of terrorism and war is analysed with the central focus directed to the evolution of global terrorism and the forms it has taken in the post-WWII and post-Cold War era. Terrorism is one of many challenges to the sovereign power of nation-states and the most pressing of the political problems associated with this ‘global crisis’ of terrorism will be evaluated. Students explore this challenge essentially through themes inclusive of terror organizations/movements and their development, the complex relationship between terrorism groups and insurgency movements, and the response of modern nation-states and the international community to various types of terrorist organizations. Students apply critical reasoning to complex issues through independent and collaborative research.

The course content will be drawn from but not restricted to:

  1. Discussions of the socio-political origin of terrorism as a means of achieving certain ends.
  2. The conceptual understanding of different types of terrorist organizations and movements including differences and similarities in sacred and secular terror and the various ideological justifications that have been employed to sanction armed insurgency and terror.
  3. Case studies of specific terrorist and insurgency movements in South/South Asia, Middle East and Europe.
  4. The public policy response to terror including most significantly the US response to 9/11.
  5. The relationship between terrorist organizations and the mass media.
  6. The relationship between national liberation struggles and terrorist organizations.
Enrolment for University Studies

Email registration by 1 March essential

Robert Imre, Teacher responsible
4-Apr-2016 – 19-May-2016
Seminar 24 hours
Mon 4-Apr-2016 - 16-May-2016 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B4116
Thu 7-Apr-2016 - 19-May-2016 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B4116
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module, University of Tampere

Stepping Stones to Working Life in the Field of EU-Russia Relations (STEPIN) is a bridge between the final stages of university studies at the Master’s level and the professional life. STEPIN consists of an intensive, one-week tailor-made training course on EU issues (EU-Russia relations in particular) with special relevance to the students orienting themselves in the working life. Focusing on skills and knowledge in a transversal sense, the training course provides the students with a concrete introduction to professional life in the academia, research institutes, administration, policy-making and the private sector, NGOs and civil society. It emphasizes learning by doing and active participation of the students, teaching staff and visitors, with the aim of increased familiarity with the expectations of potential employers, actual career paths and experiences, and deeper understanding of the relevance of the students’ expertise and skills and different ways of putting them to use.


Monday 4 April

10-12 Welcome and introduction to the STEPIN course (Hanna Ojanen); introduction to the writing exercise (Anna-Kaisa Hiltunen)

14–16 Open seminar: “Joining Hands for Syria’s Future: Prospects for Cooperation between the EU and Russia?”

Mr. Mikko Patokallio, Analyst in Crisis Management Initiative’s (CMI) Programme Management Office (PMO).
Ms. Irina Petrova, PhD fellow at the Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) Institute, University of Leuven
Dr. Ekaterina Stepanova, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Moscow

Mr. Jukka Huusko, Staff Writer at Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, former Cairo correspondent, Helsinki

Tuesday 5 April

10–12 Research as a career (guest speakers)
13–16 TV interviews, introduction and first exercises (Jussi Seppälä)

Wednesday 6 April

10–16 TV interviews and feedback (Jussi Seppälä)

Thursday 7 April

9–13 EU careers, introduction and test simulation
14–16 Lecture on the media (topic tbc) (guest speaker)

Friday 8 April

10–12 Feedback on the written exercise (Anna-Kaisa Hiltunen)
13–16 General feedback session


Enrolment for University Studies

The number of participants will be limited to 10-15. Those interested in taking part are invited to send a letter of motivation that also includes information about the topic and stage of the applicant's Master's thesis to Jean Monnet Professor Hanna Ojanen by e-mail (hanna.ojanen@uta.fi) by 29 February at the latest.

Hanna Ojanen, Teacher responsible
Jussi Seppälä, Teacher
Anna-Kaisa Hiltunen, Teacher
15-Mar-2016 – 8-Apr-2016
Lectures 12 hours
Tue 15-Mar-2016 at 14-16, Pinni A2014
Mon 4-Apr-2016 at 10-12, Pinni A3098
Mon 4-Apr-2016 at 14-16, Paavo Koli auditorium, Pinni A
Tue 5-Apr-2016 at 10-12, Pinni A2057
Thu 7-Apr-2016 at 14-16, Pinni A2089
Fri 8-Apr-2016 at 10-12, Pinni A2089
Group work 12 hours
Tue 5-Apr-2016 at 13-16, Pinni A2057, Parallel with TV exercises.
Wed 6-Apr-2016 at 10-16, Pinni A2020, Parallel with TV exercises.
Thu 7-Apr-2016 at 9-13, Computer classroom Pinni A21
Fri 8-Apr-2016 at 13-16, Pinni A2089
Exercises 10 hours
Tue 5-Apr-2016 at 13-16, TV studio, tbc
Wed 6-Apr-2016 at 10-16, TV studio, tbc
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English