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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2017–2018
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Filosofian tohtoriohjelma


I Periodi (4.9.2017 – 22.10.2017)
III Periodi (8.1.2018 – 4.3.2018)
IV Periodi (5.3.2018 – 27.5.2018)
Periodi (4.9.2017 - 22.10.2017)
Jatko-opinnot [I Periodi]

Tutkijaseminaarissa filosofian henkilökunta ja vierailevat luennoitsijat pitävät filosofisia esitelmiä . FILJATKOssa esitelmöivät jatko-opiskelijat. / In the seminar, Tampere graduate students, faculty and external speakers give talks in philosophy. Some of the sessions are in English.

Torstaisin/On Thursdays 14-16 Pinni B4141


14.9. jatkokoulutusseminaarin järjestäytymiskokous

28.9. Arto Repo (Turku): Miten vakavasti prosessit pitäisi ontologiassa ottaa?

5.10. Alma Korko (jatkokoulutusseminaari): Introduction to Philosophy of Mind in G. E. Moore in 1897-1911

12.10. Jaakko Kuorikoski (NSR/Tay): There are no mathematical explanations

19.10. SKR:n tutkimussuunnitelmien käsittely (jatkokoulutusseminaari)

Vko 43 jatko-opiskelijakonferenssi 23.-25.10.

Vko 43 Metaphysics of Properties -kokous 26.-27.10.

2.11. Jaakko Reinikainen (jatkokoulutusseminaari): Merkityksen normatiivisuus

9.11. Sami Pihlström (Helsinki): Theodicism and Metaphysical Realism: A Pragmatic Critique of the "Argument from Evil"

23.11. Minna Hagman (jatkokoulutusseminaari): tutkimussuunnitelman käsittely

30.11. Aku Visala (Helsinki):Kertooko kognitiotiede mitään kiinnostavaa vapaasta tahdosta?

7.12. Teea Kortetmäki (JKK/Tay): Nobody’s fault? Structural injustice, food, and climate change

14.12. Noora Tienaho (jatkokoulutusseminaari): PERUTTU

15.12. Daniel Weinstock (McGill) "Rights Talk on the Global Stage: What is Gained and What is Lost?" + commentators. NB: Pinni B1096, 10 am- 1 pm. 


18.1. Jatkoseminaari. Huom. klo 13-15! Keskustellaan käytännön asioista tohtoriopintoihin liittyen ja koostetaan "usein kysytyt kysymykset"-ohje. 

25.1. Magali Rogues (Helsinki): Ockham’s Theory of Real Definition

8.2. POSTPONED NEW DATE 24.5. Mikko Tolonen (Helsinki): One Hume, Two Historical Projects. Unity in David Hume’s Philosophy


22.2. Jaakko Kuosmanen (Demos): Long-term governance: philosophy and institutions

1.3. Risto Koskensilta (jatkokoulutusseminaari): Semanttinen metaeksternalismi ja kommunikaatio

8.3. Tim Crane (CEU): Putnam’s Ant: On the reduction of meaning and intentionality Pinni B3111

15.3. Pasi Valtonen (PhD King's College): The Meaning and The Epistemology of Ethnically Derogatory terms

22.3. Tapio Santala (jatkokoulutusseminaari): TBA

5.4. Minna Hagman (jatkokoulutusseminaari): TBA

12.4. Maria Lasonen-Aarnio (Helsinki): Higher-Order Evidence, Defeat, and Evincibility

19.4. Noora Tienaho (jatkokoulutusseminaari): Adorno, Technology, Music

26.4. Barry Smith (Buffalo): Basic Formal Ontology (NOTE: PLACE PINNI B3111 TIME 15-17)

3.5. Petri Myllyniemi (jatkokoulutusseminaari): tutkimussuunnitelman käsittely

17.5. Juho Rantala (jatkokoulutusseminaari): TBA

24.5. Mikko Tolonen (Helsinki): One Hume, Two Historical Projects. Unity in David Hume’s Philosophy

5.-8.6. Hegel-konferenssi  

Jani Hakkarainen, Vastaava opettaja
Jaakko Kuorikoski, Vastaava opettaja
Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Jatkokoulutusseminaari: lähetä esitelmäpaperi sähköpostin liitetiedostona Jaakko Kuorikoskelle viimeistään edeltävänä maanantaina klo 12. Muiden tehtävänä on lukea paperi etukäteen huolellisesti. Esitelmöitsijä pitää paperista aluksi enintään puolen tunnin esityksen. Tämä jättää tunnin aikaa keskustelulle.

Periodi (8.1.2018 - 4.3.2018)
Jatko-opinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

The course introduces the latest methodological developments related to causal inference in the social sciences. The course begins with the basics of the formal theory of causal reasoning (by Judea Pearl) and its philosophical foundations. We will then explore more specific issues and methodologies, such as the concept of social mechanism, how to construct a good causal variable, quasi-experimental designs, field and laboratory experiments in the social sciences, and case-based process tracing. The course format is a reading seminar with recent methodological research articles as course material. In addition, each student will make a short presentation on an empirical research article related to the methodological topic in question. Default example articles are provided by the teacher, but students can also make suggestions based on their interests (such as their thesis topic).

Course outline:

  1. Introduction
  2. Foundations of Causal Inference I
  3. Foundations of Causal Inference II
  4. Foundations of Causal Inference III
  5. Causal Mechanisms and social theory
  6. Mechanistic thinking and statistics
  7. What is a good causal variable?
  8. Quasi-experimental strategies
  9. Qualitative evidence and process tracing I: within-case
  10. Qualitative evidence and process tracing II: comparative process tracing
  11. Experimental social science: field experiments
  12. Experimental social science: laboratory experiments
  13. Summing up
  14. Exam
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Jaakko Kuorikoski, Teacher responsible
12-Jan-2018 – 4-May-2018
Lectures 26 hours
Fri 12-Jan-2018 - 27-Apr-2018 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B3108
Fri 4-May-2018 at 10-12, Pinni B3117, Exam
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Target audience: masters and PhD students in the social sciences and philosophy students interested in philosophy of science. Maximum number of participants: 12.

The purpose of this course is to provide a review of the currently discussed topics in the philosophy of the social sciences. The lectures are given by researchers in the field. The course is methodologically oriented and the lectures combine exposition of philosophical argumentation with ample use of concrete case studies. 

Course outline:

  1. 12.1.  Introduction (to the field): Jaakko Kuorikoski
  2. 19.1.Explanation and understanding revisited: Jaakko Kuorikoski
  3. 26.1. The micro-macro issue: Petri Ylikoski
  4. 2.2. Process tracing and causal mechanisms: Tuukka Kaidesoja or Jaakko
  5. 9.2. Growing virtual societies and big data: Samuli Pöyhönen
  6. 16.2. Experimental social science: Michiru Nagatsu
  7. 9.3. Social science and values: Kristina Rolin
  8. 16.3. Social science and objectivity: Inkeri Koskinen
  9. 23.3. Social norms: Joonas Ottman and/or Jaakko Kuorikoski
  10. 6.4. Social ontology: Raul Hakli and/or Pekka Mäkelä
  11. 13.4. Human nature and the biosciences: Tomi Kokkonen & Jaakko Kuorikoski
  12. 20.4. Social science and policy: Caterina Marchionni
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Jaakko Kuorikoski, Teacher responsible
12-Jan-2018 – 20-Apr-2018
Lectures 24 hours
Fri 12-Jan-2018 - 20-Apr-2018 weekly at 14-16, Päätalo D13
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:


PhD-students and advanced students of social sciences

Participants write short (2-3 page) essays on five topics which they see as most relevant for their studies. The writing assignments are also based on the provided background material.

Periodi (5.3.2018 - 27.5.2018)
Jatko-opinnot [IV Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [IV Periodi]

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Arto Laitinen, Teacher responsible
5-Jun-2018 – 8-Jun-2018
Lectures 12 hours
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Students are requested to be prepared to volunteer to help the conference organizers (many of whom are not local) with practicalities (where to find a janitor etc).
