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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2008–2009
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Bachelor of Social Sciences / ISSS


I Periodi (1.9.2008 – 17.10.2008)
II Periodi (27.10.2008 – 12.12.2008)
III Periodi (7.1.2009 – 6.3.2009)
IV Periodi (16.3.2009 – 15.5.2009)
Periodi (1.9.2008 - 17.10.2008)
International Relations [I Periodi]


Thu 4.9.
Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations approaches on European integration

Mon 8.9.
Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations approaches on enlargement: the case of eastern and central Europe

Thu 11.9.
Professor Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Political science approaches on European integration

Mon 15.9.
Professor Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Political Science approaches on enlargement: political systems, parties and parliaments

Thu 18.9.
Mr Unto Vesa, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Peace research approaches on European integration

Mon 22.9.
Mr Unto Vesa, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Peace research approaches on enlargement: the case of northern Europe

Thu 25.9.
Docent Jukka Viljanen, Department of Law
Legal approaches to enlargement: the case of human rights

Mon 29.9.
Docent Jukka Viljanen, Department of Law
Legal approaches to enlargement: the case of human rights

Thu 2.10.
Professor Jouni Häkli, Dept. of Regional Studies
Regional Studies approaches to European integration: exploring borders and boundaries

Mon 6.10.
Professor Ilari Karppi, Dept. of Regional Studies
Regional studies approaches to enlargement: the case of regional Europe in the making

Thu 9.10.
Dr Benedikt Schoenborn, Department of History and Philosophy
Historical approaches to enlargement: the case of German re-unification

Mon 13.10.
Ms Anna Olkinuora, The School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies
Linguistic approaches to enlargement: the case of Turkey as seen in France and in Finland

Thu 16.10.

Re-take exam on Mon 10.11. at 9-12 in Linna 6017


Credits: 3 - 5 ECTS

Students of the Master's programme on European Studies: Europeanization of Politics and Governance: lectures + exam based on lecture materials + essay based on lecture materials and additional literature + essay seminar 5 ECTS

Other students: lectures and an exam based on the lecture materials 3 ECTS


kansainvälinen politiikka/International Relations: KVPOA4 Wiener-Diez

Aluetiede/regional Studies:AA10 Aluetieteen valinnaiset opinnot

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: KVPIB8A1 European Integration: Wiener-Diez's book OR VALIB8C1 Europe and Globalisation Hooghe-Marks and Scharpf.

other compensations to be confirmed

Pami Aalto and visiting lecturers, Teacher
Lectures 36 hours
4.9.-16.10. Mon 14.30-17 and Thu 14.30-17 in Linna K103
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Compensates Rytövuori-Apunen's book.

Anni Kangas, Teacher
Lectures 20 hours
Tue 9-Sep-2008 - 16-Sep-2008 weekly at 14-16, Pinni room A1078
23-Sep-2008 at 14 –16 , Linna room K103
7-Oct-2008 at 14 –16 , Pinni room A1081
Fri 19-Sep-2008 - 26-Sep-2008 weekly at 12-14, Pinni room B3107
3-Oct-2008 at 14 –16 , Linna room K103
Thu 25-Sep-2008 at 14-16, Pinni room B3107
Thu 2-Oct-2008 at 14-16, Main Building room D11
, No class on 11, 12, 18 and 30 September
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Seminaarin ja jaettavan materiaalin pohjalta kirjoitetaan 6-8 s. essee (1 op) tai 10-12 s. essee (2 op). Essee palautetaan Jean Monnet -professori Pami Aallolle 24.10.2008 mennessä os. pami.aalto@uta.fi.

Korvaavuus: 1-2 op Eurooppatutkimuksen teemaseminaarista tai 2 op Aallon tai Prozorovin tai Scottin kirja.

Sisältö: EU-toimijoiden rooli arktisesa politiikassa sekä globaalissa ilmastonmuutoksen politiikassa suhteessa muihin relevantteihin toimijoihin kuten USA sekä Venäjä/Aasian vallat.

Tavoitteet: oppia perusteet EU:n ja muiden toimijoiden suhteesta arktisiin alueisiin sekä ilmastonmuutokseen.

Description in English:

Students write an essay of 6-8 p. (1 ECTS) or 10-12 p. (2 ECTS) based on the seminar and distributed material. The essay will be returned to Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto (pami.aalto@uta.fi) by 24.10.2008.

Compensations in ISSS programmes:

Bachelor of Social Sciences: one book (2 ECTS) from KVPIB7A1 World Politics or

MDP Europeanization of Politics and Governance: KVPIES16 Specialization Course in European Studies

Contents: special course aiming to give the student knowledge of Europe's role in the politics of the Arctic and the climate change, in particular vi-avis responses from the EU area actors, Russia, US and other relevant actors.

Objectives: to learn basics of EU and other responses to the global climate change and Arctic politics

Enrolment for University Studies

Preregistration by 26.9.2008 to isss@uta.fi.

Sanjay Chaturvedi, Teacher
29-Sep-2008 – 29-Sep-2008
Seminar 4 hours
Mon 29-Sep-2008 at 12-16, Linna room 6017
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Journalism and Mass Communication [I Periodi]

(Organized by University Network for Communication Sciences).

The online course will introduce the students to the history, development and the present directions of Finnish media (print media, radio, tv, media convergence, information society). Weekly discussions and learning diaries.


Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by application form, deadline 7.9.2008 (closed)

Heidi Lavento, Teacher
Sanna Kivimäki, Teacher
15-Sep-2008 – 2-Nov-2008
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

HUOM. Opintojakson
suorittamalla voi korvata osan (1 op) opintojaksoista
- MEKYA4 Tuotanto, talous ja instituutiot tai
- MEKYA9 Projektiopinnot

Peixi Xu, Teacher
11-Sep-2008 – 6-Nov-2008
Lectures 16 hours
Thursdays 11.9.-2.10. at 10-12 in K104, 9.10. at 10-14 in K104, and 30.10.-6.11. at 10-12 in Pinni B1097
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

The main purpose of this course is to observe how the processes of censorship and self-censorship as alienable parts of the cultural process were developed. Most of the attention is to be paid to XX century and the present time taking into account that the last decades have given a rise to new forms of media involvement (including active promotion of television and Internet). The pivotal idea is to differentiate the peculiarities of censorship and self-censorship for Russian and Western realities so that the students could better understand the theoretical background of the definitions themselves. The course is designated for all who tend to understand the cultural and political evolution of modern Russia.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment via NettiOpsu http://www.uta.fi/nettiopsu/

Dmitry Strovsky (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Teacher
9-Sep-2008 – 3-Oct-2008
Lectures 16 hours
Tue 9-Sep-2008 - 30-Sep-2008 weekly at 16-18, Pinni B 4115
Fri 12-Sep-2008 - 3-Oct-2008 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B 3111
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Political Science [I Periodi]


all books from VALTP4 or VALTA7 or

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: 5 ECTS from VALIB8C1 Europe and Globalization.

Tapio Raunio, Teacher
Lectures 24 hours
Tue 9-Sep-2008 - 14-Oct-2008 weekly at 8-10, Linna room K103
Thu 11-Sep-2008 - 16-Oct-2008 weekly at 8-10, Linna room K103
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English


all books from VALTP5 or VALTA3 or

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: 5 ECTS from VALIB8C2 Political Participation.

Compulsory participation and an essay of 10 pages.

Achillefs Papageorgiou, Teacher
Lectures 16 hours
Fri 17-Oct-2008 - 12-Dec-2008 weekly at 9-11, Linna room 5026
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English


Thu 4.9.
Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations approaches on European integration

Mon 8.9.
Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
International Relations approaches on enlargement: the case of eastern and central Europe

Thu 11.9.
Professor Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Political science approaches on European integration

Mon 15.9.
Professor Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Political Science approaches on enlargement: political systems, parties and parliaments

Thu 18.9.
Mr Unto Vesa, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Peace research approaches on European integration

Mon 22.9.
Mr Unto Vesa, Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Peace research approaches on enlargement: the case of northern Europe

Thu 25.9.
Docent Jukka Viljanen, Department of Law
Legal approaches to enlargement: the case of human rights

Mon 29.9.
Docent Jukka Viljanen, Department of Law
Legal approaches to enlargement: the case of human rights

Thu 2.10.
Professor Jouni Häkli, Dept. of Regional Studies
Regional Studies approaches to European integration: exploring borders and boundaries

Mon 6.10.
Professor Ilari Karppi, Dept. of Regional Studies
Regional studies approaches to enlargement: the case of regional Europe in the making

Thu 9.10.
Dr Benedikt Schoenborn, Department of History and Philosophy
Historical approaches to enlargement: the case of German re-unification

Mon 13.10.
Ms Anna Olkinuora, The School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies
Linguistic approaches to enlargement: the case of Turkey as seen in France and in Finland

Thu 16.10.

Re-take exam on Mon 10.11. at 9-12 in Linna 6017


Credits: 3 - 5 ECTS

Students of the Master's programme on European Studies: Europeanization of Politics and Governance: lectures + exam based on lecture materials + essay based on lecture materials and additional literature + essay seminar 5 ECTS

Other students: lectures and an exam based on the lecture materials 3 ECTS


kansainvälinen politiikka/International Relations: KVPOA4 Wiener-Diez

Aluetiede/regional Studies:AA10 Aluetieteen valinnaiset opinnot

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: KVPIB8A1 European Integration: Wiener-Diez's book OR VALIB8C1 Europe and Globalisation Hooghe-Marks and Scharpf.

other compensations to be confirmed

Pami Aalto and visiting lecturers, Teacher
Lectures 36 hours
4.9.-16.10. Mon 14.30-17 and Thu 14.30-17 in Linna K103
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Sociology [I Periodi]

korvaa kohdasta SOSLP5 2 kirjaa

4-Sep-2008 – 27-Nov-2008
Lectures 24 hours
Thu 4.9.-16.10. at 18-20, Thu 30.10. at 16-18, and Wed 12.11.-10.12.2008 at 16-18 at Linna K103. No lecture on 5.11.
Wed 21-Jan-2009 at 14-16, Linna 6017, Retake exam
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Social Anthropology [I Periodi]
Enrolment for University Studies

NettiOpsun kautta 1.10. mennessä

8-Oct-2008 – 17-Oct-2008
Wed 8-Oct-2008 at 16-20, Linna 5014
Thu 9-Oct-2008 at 11-14, Linna 5014
Wed 15-Oct-2008 at 16-20, Linna 5014
Thu 16-Oct-2008 at 11-14, Linna 5014
Fri 17-Oct-2008 at 10-14, Linna 5014
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Social Work [I Periodi]

Introductory lectures, field visits, challenge from the field, work in pairs and small groups, portfolio, essay, final seminar and presentation of the essay.

The course starts in the beginning of October. The lectures and seminars are given Friday afternoon and the field visits according to the agreements. The information will be in the Internet by the second week of September.


Enrolment for University Studies

On the homepage of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work 8.9.-26.9.2008

Ulla-Maija Koivula, Teacher
Satu Ylinen, Teacher
3-Oct-2008 – 6-Nov-2008
Lectures 12 hours
Group work 12 hours
Independent work 20 hours
Seminar 6 hours
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Women's Studies [I Periodi]

Objectives: Students are familiar with women's studies through feminist critique of politics. The students are able to present arguments, write essays and comment each other's papers. Content: Seminar work focusing on analyzing gender in political thinking and democratic practices through exercises and essays. Modes of study: Lectures (4h), seminar (20h), essays.

Jaana Kuusipalo, Teacher
8-Sep-2008 – 10-Oct-2008
Pinni B 3136, 15.9.-13.10.2008, Mon 15.9. 10-14, Mon 22.9. 10-14, Mon 29.9. 10-14, Fri 3.10. 14-16, Mon 6.10. 10-14, Fri 10.10. 14-16, Mon 13.10. 10-14
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

27.10.-17.12.2008. This course aims to introduce some important themes of Women's and Gender Studies with a specific Finnish perspective. Themes: Gender, Equality & Power. The course centers around three themes; the concepts of gender, gender equality, and (gendered) power. Through these themes the student will gain an insight into Finnish society and some contexts is which gender, equality and power are significant factors. The course is divided into three sections, each of two weeks, centering on the themes, and each teacher is responsible for one theme. For each theme the students will read two or more texts and discuss them in smaller groups.

For further information, see the Hilma homepage.

To compensate WS1 Introduction to Women's Studies (7 ECTS) with the Internet course you only need to do one book additionally in a book exam: Connell: Gender. (2 ECTS).

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration 22.9.-10.10.2008 by sending e-mail to ekinnari@abo.fi

Anu Hirsiaho, Teacher
Eva Mikaela Kinnari, Teacher
Annamari Vänskä, Teacher
27-Oct-2008 – 17-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: To show students what separates scientific writing from other types of prose text.

Content: A year-long seminar where students practice scientific reasoning, discussion and writing. Only for degree students in the Bachelor's Programme

Jaana Kuusipalo, Teacher
Fri 12-Sep-2008 - 5-Dec-2008 weekly at 11-13, Linna 6017, Continues in the spring term
Spring Term: Bachelor's Programme Group
Fri 9-Jan-2009 - 24-Apr-2009 weekly at 11-13, Linna 6018, No meetings on 16.1 and 23.1 (Weeks 3 and 4).
17-Apr-2009 at 11 –13 , Linna 6017
24-Apr-2009 at 11 –13 , Linna 6017
Spring Term: Nanjing Group
Fri 9-Jan-2009 - 24-Apr-2009 weekly at 14-16, Linna 6018, No meetings on 16.1 and 23.1 (Weeks 3 and 4).
Periods: I II III
Language of instruction: English
Social Policy [I Periodi]

Objectives: After the course the students should have a basic understanding about the local cultures and societies in South and South-East Asia.
Content: The course is an introductory course on South and South East Asian cultures and societies. It will provide a basic understanding of the societies and cultures concerned, including their complexity, as well as basic categories of organization such as family, caste, class and so forth. Though the course is grounded on current research on South and South East Asia, the topics are approached also through visual material (theatre recordings, fiction and documentary films) and literature.

Compensation in SPOLA3A7: 2 ECTS. Student should discuss with the examiner which parts of the book Allen-Thomas (ed.) the course compensates

Priority is given to students in Asian Studies module or students of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work.

Satu Ranta-Tyrkkö, Teacher
8-Oct-2008 – 3-Dec-2008
Wed 8-Oct-2008 - 3-Dec-2008 weekly at 14-17, Pinni B3116, No lecture on 22.10.
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (27.10.2008 - 12.12.2008)
International Relations [II Periodi]

Compensations in Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: Vogt-Mayer's book (2 ECTS) in KVPIB8A1 European Integration.

Sergei Prozorov, Teacher
26-Nov-2008 – 28-Nov-2008
Lectures 24 hours
Wed 26-Nov-2008 at 13-17, Paavo Koli auditorium
Thu 27-Nov-2008 at 13-17, Pinni A1081
Fri 28-Nov-2008 at 11-15, Pinni A1081
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Journalism and Mass Communication [II Periodi]

Contents: The course offers basic concepts of communication and media as well as history and research of the field. In addition, the course offers an introduction to the Finnish communication and media system.

Modes of study: Lectures 10 h, literature and learning diary.

Kaarle Nordenstreng, Iiris Ruoho, Teacher responsible
3-Nov-2008 – 8-Dec-2008
Lectures 10 hours
Mon 3-Nov-2008 - 8-Dec-2008 weekly at 10-12, Main building C9
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

27.10-12.12.2008. Organised by the University Network for Communication Sciences. The online course aims to give students an overview of Finnish communication studies on computer mediated communication, discussed by visiting online teachers from member departments of the University Network for Communication Sciences. Weekly discussions and learning diaries.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by application form. Registration deadline 16.10. (closed)

Sanna Kivimäki, Teacher
27-Oct-2008 – 12-Dec-2008
Group work
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Sociology [II Periodi]

The purpose of the lecture is to discuss the main trends in the sociology of work. It covers the basic theoretical ideas from Taylorism to recent debates concerning information society and global capitalism.


1. Introduction 

2.Capitalism and the labour process 

3. Divisions: class, gender, labour markets 

4. Flexibility 

5. Knowledge work 

6. The Culture of new capitalism

Melin Harri, Teacher
30-Oct-2008 – 11-Dec-2008
Seminar 18 hours
Thu 30-Oct-2008 - 11-Dec-2008 weekly at 10-13, Linna 5014
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Social Anthropology [II Periodi]

Ma 10-12 Linna 5014 ja to 10-12 Linna 6017. Mon 10-12 Linna 5014 and Thu 10-12 Linna 6017.

27-Oct-2008 – 27-Nov-2008
Seminar 18 hours
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
All majors [II Periodi]

Objectives: To provide the student with a general understanding of empirical research methods and resarch process in social sciences. The student learns the basics of doing empirical research and learns to understand the significance of research questions and research frame as well as aspects related to choosing certain data and techniques of analysis. The student learns how one can approach the same phenomenon with various research methods and how those methods and approaches produce different kind of information. The module provides the student with basic abilties to understand empirical research conducted with various methods, to evaluate the methodological choices and research results.

Modes of Study: In English: book exam on
Gilbert (ed.), Researching Social Life. Sage, Second edition,  2001. (reprinted 2003).

The book exam is available in the Electronic Exam Service: https://tenttis.uta.fi/login/index.php?lang=en_utf8 (see under ISSS/ Sociology). The exam is open until 16.11.2009.

Lectures 21 hours
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Environmental Policy [II Periodi]

The aim of the course is to enable the students to understand the different equity aspects connected with climate change and the implementation of the international climate policy.

The course consists of an introduction to the topical issues in the international climate policy and several case-study examples concerning the emergence of equity in the climate policy formulation and implementation. Both lectures and group work are used as a teaching method. One of the sessions is dedicated to lectures by three guest speakers from Asia and South-America.

Requirements: Lectures and group work 14hrs and essay. Up to max 7 ECTS credits can be obtained by sitting an exam on 2 additional books to be arranged with professor Yrjö Haila.

Anu Kerkkänen, Teacher
29-Oct-2008 – 14-Nov-2008
Lectures 14 hours
Wed 29-Oct-2008 at 10-12, Yliopistonkatu 54, room 603
Fri 31-Oct-2008 - 14-Nov-2008 weekly at 10-14, Yliopistonkatu 54, room 603
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (7.1.2009 - 6.3.2009)
International Relations [III Periodi]

Compensates one book from KVPOA3 or KVPOA5.

Jyrki Käkönen, Teacher
Lectures 24 hours
Wed 14-Jan-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 6017
Thu 15-Jan-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 5026
Wed 28-Jan-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 6017
Thu 29-Jan-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 5026
Wed 11-Feb-2009 at 12-14, Linna room K113
Thu 12-Feb-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 5026
Wed 25-Feb-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 6017
Thu 26-Feb-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 5026
Wed 25-Mar-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 6017
Thu 26-Mar-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 5026
Wed 8-Apr-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 6017
Thu 9-Apr-2009 at 12-14, Linna room 5026
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Compensates one book from KVPOA4.

Preregistration list is on notice board of the department in Linna building, 5th floor at the beginning of February.

Pami Aalto, Teacher
Lectures 20 hours
Thu 26-Feb-2009 - 5-Mar-2009 weekly at 10-14, Linna K103
Fri 27-Feb-2009 - 6-Mar-2009 weekly at 10-14, Linna K103
Thu 19-Mar-2009 at 10-12, Linna K104, Retake exam on 9.4. at 10-12 in Linna 6017.
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: Familiarize the students to the regional system and interstate politics of Southeast Asia and its place in Asian - Pacific and global system in general
Content: Introduction to main regional theories, evolution of the state system in Southeast Asian, economic and political integration in Southeast Asia and the integration into the global economic and political system in general.

Compensates 2 cr pts from KVPOA3 or KVPOS3 World Politics. There will be reading lists.

Lecture materials are available on the ISSS web pages.

Eero Palmujoki, Teacher
15-Jan-2009 – 5-Feb-2009
Thu 15-Jan-2009 - 5-Feb-2009 weekly at 14-17, Linna K103
Fri 16-Jan-2009 - 30-Jan-2009 weekly at 9-12, Linna K103
Thu 12-Feb-2009 at 14-17, Linna K103
Retake exam
Thu 19-Feb-2009 at 14-17, Linna K108
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Journalism and Mass Communication [III Periodi]

Objective of the course is to enable students to understand processes of globalization, media convergence and the transformation from the industrial to the information society, in particular the role of the Internet as the basic infrastructure for global information society with its political, legal, economic, social and cultural implications. The course covers a range of issues, which have been negotiated in the process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

(All rooms are in the Main building.)

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by 9 February in NettiOpsu (under Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication)

Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Teacher
16-Feb-2009 – 20-Feb-2009
Lectures 20 hours
Mon 16-Feb-2009 at 10-12, Room A32, at 13-15 Room C6
Tue 17-Feb-2009 at 10-15, Room C8
Wed 18-Feb-2009 at 10-15, Room C8
Thu 19-Feb-2009 at 10-12, Room C8, at 14-16 Room C8
Fri 20-Feb-2009 at 9-13, Room C8
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English


Korvaa myös tiedotusopin viestinnän opinto- kokonaisuuden yleisellä linjalla 4 op kohdasta AV1a

Enrolment for University Studies

No need to sign up

Various lecturers, Teacher
14-Jan-2009 – 4-Mar-2009
Lectures 18 hours
Wed 14-Jan-2009 - 4-Mar-2009 weekly at 12-14, Linna K103
4-Mar-2009 , 10-12
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

26.1.-15.3.2009. Organised by University Network for Communication Sciences. Multidisciplinary Current issues -online course aims to give an overview of Finnish communication studies on democracy and citizenship. Each week you will be required to do different activities, usually based on at least one of the provided articles. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration deadline 15.1.

26-Jan-2009 – 15-Mar-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Political Science [III Periodi]

Compensates all books.

The maximum number of students is 25. Priority is given to students majoring in Political Science at the University of Tampere. In order to register for the course, you must fill in the registration sheet that will be placed on the notice board of the department until Friday, December 19.

Tapio Raunio, Teacher
Lectures 10 hours
Wed 7-Jan-2009 - 21-Jan-2009 weekly at 15-17, Linna room 5026
Thu 8-Jan-2009 at 14-16, Linna room 5026
Seminar 14 hours
Wed 28-Jan-2009 - 18-Feb-2009 weekly at 15-17, Linna room 5101
Thu 29-Jan-2009 - 12-Feb-2009 weekly at 14-16, Linna room 5101
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

After completing this module, the student is familiar with the strong research areas of the Faculty:
 -Social capabilities and mental health
 -Family and childhood
 -Working life
 -Political participation
 -Welfare state and service systems
 -Media and journalism
 -Global system and transnational processes of change

Departments introduce research done on current issues in their field.


Thu 8.1.
Professor Ph.D. Tapio Raunio, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations: Crisis of Representative Democracy?

Thu 15.1.
Jean Monnet Professor Ph.D. Pami Aalto, Dept. of Political Science and International Relations: European Energy Policy and Relations with Russia

Thu 22.1.
Researcher M.Soc.Sc. Laura Ruusunoksa, Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication: Newspaper journalism and citizens' participation

Thu 29.1.
Assistant professor D.Soc.Sc. Pasi Pyöriä, Dept. of Social Research (Sociology): New forms of work, technology and change in organizations

Thu 5.2.
Researcher D.Soc.Sc. Anu Hirsiaho, Dept. of Social Research (Women's Studies):
Global Feminisms: Voices from the Two-Thirds World

Thu 12.2.
Researcher M.Soc.Sc. Minna Zechner, Dept. of Social Research (Social Policy): Research on Care for the Older Persons

Thu 19.2.
Assistant Professor Lic.Soc.Sc. Katja Repo, Dept. of Social Research (Social Policy): Childcare policies in Finland

Thu 26.2.
Professor of Social Anthropology Ph.D. Ulla Vuorela, Dept. of Social Research (Social Anthropology): Transnational Family and multisited lives

Thu 5.3.
Postdoc researcher D.Soc.Sc. MA Atte Oksanen, Dept. of Social Research (Social Psychology): Studying Images of Addiction in Rock Culture

Thu 12.3.

Thu 19.3.
Researcher MA Mikko Hautakangas,  Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication: Digging the Trash: Studying Big Brother, 'Peer Melodrama' and Audience Participation

Thu 26.3.
Researcher M.Soc.Sc. Vesa Knuuttila, Dept. of Social Work Research (Social Work): Effectiveness of substance abuse treatment in light of common factors

Thu 2.4.
Professor Ph.D. Martti Tuomisto, Dept. of Psychology: Anger and its relationship to cardiovascular risks and health

Thu 9.4.

Thu 16.4.
Written exam

Thu 7.5.

Teaching language

Modes of study
English:Active participation in classroom work (24 h) and written exam (2 h) based on lectures (2 ECTS), essay 8-10 pages based on articles distributed in the Moodle (3 ECTS)

Course information, essay articles and essay questions please look at Moodle-site of  this course in the new version of Moodle

Instructions for writing an essay please look at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/isss/instructions/research_papers.pdf

Credits: 2 ECTS or 5 ECTS

Students of the ISSS Programme Bachelor of Social Sciences: Active participation in classroom work (24 h) and written exam (2 h) based on lectures + essay 8-10 pages based on articles distributed in the Moodle 5 ECTS

Other students: Active participation in classroom work (24 h) and written exam (2 h) based on lectures 2 ECTS


Active participation in classroom work (24 h) and written exam (2 h) based on lectures + essay 8-10 pages based on articles distributed in the Moodle 5 ECTS

Professor Tapio Raunio, Teacher responsible
8-Jan-2009 – 2-Apr-2009
Lectures 24 hours
Thu 8-Jan-2009 - 2-Apr-2009 weekly at 16-18, Linna lecture room 5026, No lecture on 12.3. and 9.4. Written exam Thu 16.4.2009 at 16-18 in Linna lecture room K104 (Väinö Linna auditorium). Retake Thu 7.5.2009 at 16-18 in Linna 6th floor seminar room 6018
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Sociology [III Periodi]

Finns and Finland: Sociology of Nation and Ethnicity

Spring 2009

Coordinator Pekka Rantanen, researcher, Msocsci


Department of Sociology and Social Psychology

Pinni 53 B

33014 University of Tampere


The aim of the seminar is threefold. First, the course is to offer information and basic facts about Finland and Finns to foreign students. Secondly, the course reviews different sociological approaches in studying and researching Finland, Finnishness and society (themes include topics such as comparative research, nationalism, stereotypes of people, ethnicity, sociology, society). Thirdly, the course will provide theoretical and methodological tools for studying ethnicity and nationalism. The course includes an ethnographic practice where students observe a chosen topic and gather information (observation, interviewing, collecting material etc.) outside the university and learn how to make and use ethnographic field notes. Students will write and present and discuss their findings and material in separate sessions. Participants are required to read collection of articles about Finland and review them in groups. Visiting lecturers will consist of presenting different approaches for studying Finnish society. These include Finnish family and welfare state, humour in Finland, history of Finnish political unity, Finnish radicalism, Finland and its immigrants, Finnish oddities (silence, sauna and viina), Finnish popular culture. Students are required to write 1 lecture diary during the course and a writing assignment as group work.

(max. 25 students): Please send e-mail to pekka.j.rantanen@uta.fi in order to register in the course AND register by NettiOpsu by 9th January. In the registration e-mail, write

1. your name, major and minor subjects

2. the reason why you want to participate in this course

3. how the course theme fits with your study interests in general.

The course is in English but Finnish-speaking students may also attend if there is room.


The seminar includes lectures, research practice, reviewing articles, writing a lecture diaries and group work and discussions.

Seminar consists of an introductory lecture (2 h), lecture on ethnography (2 h), field work practice and its presentation and discussion (2 h), reviewing articles (2 h). 4 hours of group work. Seminar continues with 9 different lectures which deepen the understanding of studying Finnish society. There will be 8 different topics (16 h). End discussion will take 2 hours where students can reflect and discuss with a teacher about the course and possibly present some ideas of their further research (2 h). Lectures will held by teachers and researchers of Department of Social Research. Total of 30 h.


Students are required to participate lectures and do the practices, review articles and write lecture diaries.

EVALUATION & CREDIT: Participation, practices and lecture diaries. 4 ov/6 study points/6 ECTS

Course Schedule:

Session I from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 13th of January

Introduction: Msocsci Pekka Rantanen: Finland in History (2h)

Session II from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 20th of January

Msocsci Pekka Rantanen: Introduction to ethnography (2h)

Session III from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 27th of January

Presentations of ethnographic practice by students. Msocsci Pekka Rantanen (2h)

Session IV from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 3th of February

Presentations of reviewing articles by students in groups. Msocsci Pekka Rantanen (2h)

Session V from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 10th of February

Planning of the Group work

Session VI from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 17th of February

Lecture: Msocsci Pekka Rantanen: Finnish Society: Sociology of nation and ethnicity (2h)

Session VII from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 3th of March

Lecture: Dr Pasi Pyöriä: Finland as an Information Society (2h)

Session VIII from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 10th of March

Lecture: Dr Petri Ruuska: Finnish oddities (2h)

Session IX from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 17th of March

Lecture: Dr Laura Huttunen: Finland and its immigrants (2h)

Session XI from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 24th of March

Lecture: Dr Eriikka Oinonen: Families in Finland (2h)

Session XII from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 31 th of March

Finalizing the Group work (2 h)

Session XIII from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 7 th of April

Lecture: MA Mikko Pollari: Finnish radicalism (2h)

Session IX from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 14th of April

Lecture: MA Marjo Kolehmainen: Finnish Popular Culture (2 h)

Session X from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 21nd of April

Lecture: Dr Jari Aro: Humour in Finland (2h)

Session XI from 12.15 pm to 2 pm, Linna 6017

Tuesday 28th of April

End discussion: Msocsci Pekka Rantanen (2h)

Lecture diary

Instructions for writing a lecture diary

Lecture diary is not just writing down what you have heard during the lecture or set of lectures. It means more that you think about what you have heard and written down during the lecture. The main idea in writing a lecture diary after the lecture is to reflect on what you have heard, what thoughts and insights the lecture provided about its subject matter and what questions and ideas the lecture has given to you. It is always good to relate the lecture to the knowledge you have learned elsewhere during your previous studies.

The lecture diary can be organized in several ways. You can write a short account on every separate lecture where you highlight the most important information and key insights of the lecture. You can also take as a starting point the topics of lectures, or problems that were presented, or write about the different views that were presented during the lectures. Your lecture diary presents a condensed and well-organized account of your notes that you wrote down during the lecture. It is good if you are able write down your own reasoned insights and critique about the lecture?s subject matter.

A lecture diary may be based on one lecture only, but it is often a case that a student is asked to write a longer lecture diary that is based on a complete course. Please ask the course coordinator for further information about the format and length of the lecture diary. The coordinator of a course usually provides necessary technical information about the lecture diary during the first session of the course.

Enrolment for University Studies

through NettiOpsu and by e-mail (see above)

at 12-14, LInna 6017, Tue 12-14, starting 13.1.
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Social Work [III Periodi]

Further information on registration periods at


Enrolment for University Studies

See instructions on registration on the Department web pages www.uta.fi/laitokset/sospol.

Maria Tapola-Haapola/Helsingin yliopisto, Teacher
Susanna Hoikkala/Helsingin yliopisto, Teacher
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

Monday, Feb. 23 from 9.00 to 12.00, University main building, room A08

Tuesday, Feb. 24 from 9.00 to 12.00, Linna room K108

Wednesday, Feb. 25 from 9.00 to 12.00, Linna room K112

Thursday, Feb. 26 from 9.00 to 12.00 Linna room K109

Friday, Feb. 27 from 9.00 to 12.00, Linna room K109

There is home work for each class.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration on the home page of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work from December 8, 2008 to January 31, 2009. You will get a reply to confirm your participation.

Tuula Heinonen/University of Manitoba, Canada, Teacher
Coordinator Anna Metteri, Teacher
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Women's Studies [III Periodi]

Objectives: The students are familiar with women's studies through the current debates on migrancy, ethnic minorities and gender.

Content: The seminar focuses on analysing the representations and self-representations of migrants and ethnic minorities. Migrant and minority positions will be studied in the light of postcolonial studies and theories of ethnicity and nationalism, and related issues such as multiculturalism and intersectionality.

Form of Study: The seminar consists of lectures and group-work (reading a selection of representative texts). The students are expected to produce a presentation and an essay concentrating on some specific ethnic minority or migrant group.

Timetable: Introduction 9.2., lecture 16.2., lecture 23.2., seminar 2.3,  (no course on 9.3.) seminar continues 16.3., 23.3., 30.3., 6.4., (no course on 13.4.), 20.4., 27.4. Visiting lectures to be announced later.

Registration (14 students): Please send email to the teacher: eila.rantonen@uta.fi. The seminar is primarily meant for foreign and exchange students but Finnish students may also be admitted provided there is room in the group.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration bt e-mail to the teacher: eila.rantonen@uta.fi

Eila Rantonen, Teacher responsible
Lectures 4 hours
Women's Studies Seminar: Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and Gender, lecturers
Mon 16-Feb-2009 at 16-18, Pinni B3136
Mon 23-Feb-2009 at 16-18, Pinni B3136
Seminar 16 hours
Women's Studies Seminar: Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and Gender, lecturers
Mon 9-Feb-2009 at 16-18, Pinni B3136
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

2 or 7 ECTS credits. The student is familiar with the basic concepts and research traditions in Women's Studies, including gender relations in the Nordic societies and Finland in particular. The course gives an introduction to the current research themes in Women's Studies. Form of studies: Active participation in the introductory lectures as well as the reading seminars with selected introductory texts and a learning diary (2 ECTS) and an essay with course readings (5 ECTS).Please see the instructions for the learning diary.

Preliminary programme

15.1. Introduction and practicalities, lecture and assignments
22.1 Gender, Sex and Feminisms, lecture and reading seminar
29.1. Sexuality and the Body, lecture and reading seminar
5.2. Gendered and Sexualised Violence, lecture and reading seminar
12.2. Gender, Culture and Media, lecture and reading seminar
26.2. Men and Masculinities, lecture and reading seminar
5.3. Gender, ?Race? and Ethnicity, lecture and reading seminar

Course readings will be found in a folder in the library at the Department of Women?s Studies, Pinni B, 3rd floor.
Chapters from the following books: Moring, Anna (ed.) Politics of Gender. A Century of Women's Suffrage in Finland. Otava 2006. Women in Finland. Otava 1999. Jennifer Marchbank & Gayle Letherby: Introduction to Gender: Social Sciences Perspectives, Pearson Education Limited 2007. Connell: Gender. Polity Press 2002.
A list of additional readings will be updated on this page before the beginning of the course.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration not required

Suvi Keskinen, Teacher responsible
15-Jan-2009 – 5-Mar-2009
Lectures 21 hours
Thu 15-Jan-2009 - 5-Mar-2009 weekly at 14-17, Pinni B 3116, No lecture on 19.2
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

The course is part of the UNIPID virtual studies study module.

Time: Course time 14 January - 31 March 2009, new lectures 14 January - 18 February.

Registration: Latest 7 January 2009 through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Policy and Social Work / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7. REGISTRATION PERIOD HAS BEEN EXTENDED: Between 10th and 13th January through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Policy and Social Work / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7

Course content: Leading scholars of Finland present contemporary theories of development, society, history, political economy and environment as ways to approach social development on a global level. See the programme of the course at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/isss/studies/global_social_development.php

New lectures: 15 hours of lectures at K103 in Linna-building starting on Wednesdays at 16.15 from 14 January to 18 February 2009. Exceptions: a lecture on Monday 16 February.

Study materials: Video lectures 40 lecture hours. That consists of live lectures (15 hours see above) and lectures of spring 2008 (25 hours). Learning materials and texts related to video lectures will be available on the Moodle -course management system. New modules will emerge on course's Moodle -site in a week after lectures have been held at the University of Tampere.

Objectives: 1) Learn social development as a multidisciplinary concept. 2) Learn social development as a concept of global social policy. 3) Learn major factors of social development and how they are in relation to each others.

Learning methods: A particular student centered learning diary based on the lectures. Length of the diary ab. 10 pages (1,5-row, 12-font).

Pedagogical frameworks: Critical pedagogy and problem based learning.

Inquiries: isss@uta.fi

Teacher in charge: Senior Assistant Professor Mikko Perkiö Tel. 03 35 51 71 76.

Teaching language: English


If no specific agreement with any other subject 5 ECTS will be registered in the English Curriculum of social policy (SPOIB8B2)


SPOIB8B2 Social Policy and Development 5 ECTS
SOSPOLA3A7 Global Social Development 6 ECTS (including 1 ECTS extension to the learning diary)


2 books / 4 ECTS from the following books:

Agnew, Weatherby, or Pempel in A3
Fierke, Miall-Rambotsham-Woodhouse, or Newman-Richmond in A5
in S2 or S3 4 ECTS / 2 books


HISOA3 Temaattiset erikoistumisopinnot
TASOP2 Taloushistoria
tai sopimuksen mukaan S3


The course with the learning diary is 3 credits in Women's Studies, or, upon agreement, 6-7 credits with a longer essay. The student directs the question to the lecturer as with the other learning diaries, but the arguments for the questions have to deal with the thematic of gender and sexuality in all cases.

W.S.2 Gender in the Making: c)'Race', Ethnicity, Post-colonialism (7 ECTS)
NAISA2D Kansallisuus ja kansalaisuus (6 op)
NAISA2I Globaalit geminismit (6op)
M5 Naistutkimuksen alat (8 op)


4 ECTS to be agreed with Professor Nordenstreng.


P5 2 ECTS (perform 50 % of the courses's general demand)

Other compensations to be confirmed.

Assessment: passed / failed, 0-5 grading on a student's request

Various lecturers, Teacher
Mikko Perkiö, Contact person
14-Jan-2009 – 31-Mar-2009
Lectures 14 hours + 26 hours Web-based
Wed 14-Jan-2009 - 18-Feb-2009 weekly at 16-18, Linna K103
28-Jan-2009 , 3 hours of lectures
16-Feb-2009 at 16 –18 , Lecture on Monday
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Social Policy [III Periodi]

Koordinaattori Minna Zechner, useita luennoitsijoita

Enrolment for University Studies

No need to sign up in advance.

8-Jan-2009 – 5-Mar-2009
Lectures 27 hours
Thu 8-Jan-2009 - 5-Mar-2009 weekly at 9-12, Linna 6017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

The course is part of the UNIPID virtual studies study module.

Time: Course time 14 January - 31 March 2009, new lectures 14 January - 18 February.

Registration: Latest 7 January 2009 through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Policy and Social Work / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7. REGISTRATION PERIOD HAS BEEN EXTENDED: Between 10th and 13th January through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Policy and Social Work / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7

Course content: Leading scholars of Finland present contemporary theories of development, society, history, political economy and environment as ways to approach social development on a global level. See the programme of the course at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/isss/studies/global_social_development.php

New lectures: 15 hours of lectures at K103 in Linna-building starting on Wednesdays at 16.15 from 14 January to 18 February 2009. Exceptions: a lecture on Monday 16 February.

Study materials: Video lectures 40 lecture hours. That consists of live lectures (15 hours see above) and lectures of spring 2008 (25 hours). Learning materials and texts related to video lectures will be available on the Moodle -course management system. New modules will emerge on course's Moodle -site in a week after lectures have been held at the University of Tampere.

Objectives: 1) Learn social development as a multidisciplinary concept. 2) Learn social development as a concept of global social policy. 3) Learn major factors of social development and how they are in relation to each others.

Learning methods: A particular student centered learning diary based on the lectures. Length of the diary ab. 10 pages (1,5-row, 12-font).

Pedagogical frameworks: Critical pedagogy and problem based learning.

Inquiries: isss@uta.fi

Teacher in charge: Senior Assistant Professor Mikko Perkiö Tel. 03 35 51 71 76.

Teaching language: English


If no specific agreement with any other subject 5 ECTS will be registered in the English Curriculum of social policy (SPOIB8B2)


SPOIB8B2 Social Policy and Development 5 ECTS
SOSPOLA3A7 Global Social Development 6 ECTS (including 1 ECTS extension to the learning diary)


2 books / 4 ECTS from the following books:

Agnew, Weatherby, or Pempel in A3
Fierke, Miall-Rambotsham-Woodhouse, or Newman-Richmond in A5
in S2 or S3 4 ECTS / 2 books


HISOA3 Temaattiset erikoistumisopinnot
TASOP2 Taloushistoria
tai sopimuksen mukaan S3


The course with the learning diary is 3 credits in Women's Studies, or, upon agreement, 6-7 credits with a longer essay. The student directs the question to the lecturer as with the other learning diaries, but the arguments for the questions have to deal with the thematic of gender and sexuality in all cases.

W.S.2 Gender in the Making: c)'Race', Ethnicity, Post-colonialism (7 ECTS)
NAISA2D Kansallisuus ja kansalaisuus (6 op)
NAISA2I Globaalit geminismit (6op)
M5 Naistutkimuksen alat (8 op)


4 ECTS to be agreed with Professor Nordenstreng.


P5 2 ECTS (perform 50 % of the courses's general demand)

Other compensations to be confirmed.

Assessment: passed / failed, 0-5 grading on a student's request

Various lecturers, Teacher
Mikko Perkiö, Contact person
14-Jan-2009 – 31-Mar-2009
Lectures 14 hours + 26 hours Web-based
Wed 14-Jan-2009 - 18-Feb-2009 weekly at 16-18, Linna K103
28-Jan-2009 , 3 hours of lectures
16-Feb-2009 at 16 –18 , Lecture on Monday
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
All majors [III Periodi]

The course is compulsory for the Bachelor's Degree students. There are max. 8 places available for international Master degree students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, please preregister at nettiopsu.

For completing the course it is compulsory to participate in the Library orientation tour organised on Mon 12th Jan, Tue 13th and Wed 14th Jan. Please preregister during the orientation course for international students or by sending an email to isss@uta.fi.

23-Jan-2009 – 13-Feb-2009
Fri 23-Jan-2009 - 13-Feb-2009 weekly at 9-11, room 3021, Linna library
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

The course gives an overview of statistics, its importance and use in different fields of science. Basic statistical concepts and descriptive statistics are introduced, as well as an elementary introduction to estimation and hypothesis testing is given. An introduction to a statistical software package is also included.

Klaus Nordhausen, Teacher responsible
2-Feb-2009 – 5-Mar-2009
Lectures 18 hours
Mon 2-Feb-2009 - 2-Mar-2009 weekly at 8.30-10.00, Pinni A3112
Thu 5-Feb-2009 - 26-Feb-2009 weekly at 8.30-10.00, Pinni A3112
Thu 5-Mar-2009 at 9.00-11.00, Pinni A1078
Exercises 16 hours
Thu 5-Feb-2009 - 26-Feb-2009 weekly at 10.15-11.45, ML 51 (Linna K115)
Mon 9-Feb-2009 - 2-Mar-2009 weekly at 10.15-11.45, Pinni A3112
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Periodi (16.3.2009 - 15.5.2009)
International Relations [IV Periodi]

Lectures 20 h and a study diary (6 pages) to professor Vilho Harle. Diaries either in English or Finnish/Swedish.

Compensates 2 cr pts from one of these: KVPOA3 or KVPOA5 or KVPOS2 or KVPOS3, World Politics or International Conflict Analysis.

Compensations in the ISSS Bachelor programme: 2 ECTS from KVPIB7A1 World Politics.

Compensations in the Master's Programme on Political Communication and in Master's Programme in Global Governance and World Culture: 4 ECTS in KVPIGG2I, in addition to the lectures students read Clausewitz (any language and any edition) and write the study diary (10 pages) based on both lectures and the book.

Julian Reid, Tim Dunne, Lene Hansen and Iver Neumann, Teacher
Lectures 20 hours
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 10-12, Linna room K103
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 14-16, Linna room K103
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 10-12, Linna room K113
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 14-16, Linna room K103
Wed 18-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Linna room K103
Thu 19-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Pinni room A1081
Fri 20-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Linna room K103
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

- The concept of East Asia (includes both Northeast and Southeast Asia)
- Rhetorical and narrativistic constructions of East Asia as a distinct area
- Special geopolitical characteristics of the area: economic growth,
political security complexes, influence of outside actors
- Country profiles
- Presence of history in present politics

Compensates one book/2 cr pts from KVPOS3 World Politics.

Pekka Korhonen, Teacher
Mon 6-Apr-2009 at 12-18, Linna K104
Mon 20-Apr-2009 at 12-18, Linna K103
Mon 27-Apr-2009 at 12-17, Linna K104
Mon 4-May-2009 at 12-14, Linna K103
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Journalism and Mass Communication [IV Periodi]

The student will become familiar with the key concepts regarding media and democracy. She will learn to understand the role of media and journalism in the democratic process as well as the participatory role of the citizens in this context.

The course focuses on the functions that media have in the democratic society. How the media provide a platform for democratic discourse and how they contribute to democratic process.

This course is held as an intensive programme during two weeks.  The course consists of five lectures (2 hours each) and a literature essay.

Literature essay

Based on one of the following books:

Calhoun (ed.), Habermas and the Public Sphere. MIT 1992.
Dahlgren, Television and the Public Sphere: Citizenship, Democracy and the Media. Sage 1995.
Dahlgren & Sparks (eds.), Communication and Citizenship. Routledge 1991.
Fishkin, Debating deliberative democracy. Malden : Blackwell, 2003
(ed.), The Idea of Public Journalism. Guilford 1999.
Keane, Media and Democracy. Polity 1991.
Negrine, The Communication of Politics. Sage, 1996.
Wilhelm, Democracy in the Media Age. Challenges to Political Life in Cyberspace. Routledge 2000.   

Details about the essay are delivered at the beginning of the course.

Enrolment for University Studies

To sign up for this course, please, e-mail to Laura Ruusunoksa laura.ruusunoksa@uta.fi by 20.4.2009.

Heikki Luostarinen, Teacher responsible
Laura Ruusunoksa, Teacher
4-May-2009 – 13-May-2009
Lectures 10 hours
Mon 4-May-2009 at 10-12, Linna 6017, Introduction / Auli Harju and Laura Ruusunoksa
Wed 6-May-2009 at 10-12, Linna 5014, / Citizens and journalism / Auli Harju and Laura Ruusunoksa
Fri 8-May-2009 at 10-12, Linna 6017, Ethnic minorities / Reeta Pöyhtäri
Mon 11-May-2009 at 10-12, Linna 6017, Civic participation and the net / Pauliina Lehtonen
Wed 13-May-2009 at 10-12, Linna 6017, Media literacy / Niina Uusitalo
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

16.3.-6.5.2009. Organised by University Network for Communication Sciences. Multidisciplinary Current issues -online course aims to give an overview of current studies on thetorics-, persuasion-, and effects themes in communication studies, discussed by visiting online teachers from the member departments of University Network for Communication Sciences. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration deadline 5.3.

16-Mar-2009 – 6-May-2009
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

This short course investigates relations between mediation and culture, and does so with a critical eye. Topics include American versus European approaches to media content and organization, and popular culture products. The course provides a necessary foundation for understanding practical results of theoretical variations that characterize how broadcasting is legitimated and positioned as a social technology, and what the cultural implications mean in practical terms.

Course syllabus

Gregory Lowe, Teacher
Lectures 15 hours
Wed 1-Apr-2009 at 10-13, Main building ls C8
Thu 2-Apr-2009 at 10-13, Main building ls C5
Wed 8-Apr-2009 at 13-16, Main building ls A32
Thu 9-Apr-2009 at 10-13, Main building ls C5
Thu 23-Apr-2009 at 10-13, Main building ls C5
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: To gain general understanding on how Asia is and has been represented in "the West" (Europe and the US)
Content: The course focuses on how Asia has been and is represented on Western art, media discourses and literature.
Modes of Study: Participating on lectures, essay (instructions given during the lecture)

The course is open to all interested, enrolment not necessary.

Korvaa myös tiedotusopin viestinnän opinto- kokonaisuuden yleisellä linjalla 4 op kohdasta AV1a.

Katja Valaskivi, Teacher
Mon 16-Mar-2009 - 11-May-2009 weekly at 10-12, Main building A4
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Kaarle Nordenstreng, Teacher
Greg Lowe, Teacher
Robert G. Picard, Teacher
Lectures 10 hours
Mon 20-Apr-2009 at 10-12, Main building ls C9, Nordenstreng
Tue 21-Apr-2009 at 10-12, Main building ls C9, Nordenstreng
Wed 22-Apr-2009 at 14-16, Main building ls A1, Picard
Thu 23-Apr-2009 at 10-12, Main building ls C9, Picard
Fri 24-Apr-2009 at 10-12, Main building ls C9, Lowe
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Lectures (12 h), essays and 1 book (the literature available will be informed later) on analyzing media content (in English).

An intensive course from April 1 to April 8. Lectures: Wed 8-10am and 13-15pm, Thu 8-10am, Fri 8-10am, and Mon 10-12am.

Enrolment for University Studies

No registration

Iiris Ruoho, Teacher responsible
Peixi Xu, Teacher
Lectures 12 hours
Wed 1-Apr-2009 at 8-10, C6 (Main Building), and at 13-15 K110 (Linna)
Thu 2-Apr-2009 at 8-10, C5 (Main Building)
Fri 3-Apr-2009 at 8-10, C9 (Main Building)
Mon 6-Apr-2009 at 10-12, C9 (Main Building)
Wed 8-Apr-2009 at 8-10, C6 (Main Building)
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Sociology [IV Periodi]

Content: Crisis period is always a catalyst for social change. Russian society like many others faces crisis-related challenges. The effects of the crisis are already making an impact on its basic institutions, economic and social. The Russian society and the elites have to respond to key dilemmas of the day:
- How to define itself vis-à-vis the West or the East?
- Should the policy of openness be continued or should protectionism replace international cooperation?
- How should the social policies be defined - support for the poor or bolstering the rich?
- What should be the response to political challenges - more concentration of power or more democracy?
The response to these and many other challenges is going to shape the future of the Russian Federation and, in a way, the future of Europe and the world.


Sociology: 2 ECTS from SOSLA2.2 Vertaileva tutkimus or SOSLA2.4 Sosiaaliset instituutiot ja käytännöt

Social Policy: 2 ECTS from SPOLA3A2 Vertaileva hyvinvointivaltiotutkimus or SPOLA2.4 Globaali sosiaalinen kehitys

Bachelor of Social Sciences/ISSS: Sociology: 2 ECTS from SOSLA2.2 Comparative Research or SOSLA2.4 Social Institutions and Practices

Russian Studies: RSTA4

Other compensations to be confirmed.

Modes of Study: Lectures 12 h and learning diary 10 pages (1.5-row, 12-font). Lecture diary to be returned by March 31 in paper form to the ISSS-office (Linna room 6062)

More information from isss(at)uta.fi

Prof. Mikhail F. Chernysh, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science, Teacher
16-Mar-2009 – 18-Mar-2009
Lectures 12 hours
Mon 16-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Linna 6017
Tue 17-Mar-2009 at 8-12, Linna 6017
Wed 18-Mar-2009 at 9-13, Linna 6017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Social Work [IV Periodi]

Further information on registration etc at


Enrolment for University Studies
Johanna Kiili/Jyväskylän yliopisto, Teacher
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

P5 Social Work in Different Social Contexts, 2nd independent module

Aim: To provide students with some basic understanding about and different perspectives to social work activity in different social contexts, and with some understanding about the relationship between local and global in social work.

Form of Educ. Lecture seminars (11 hours in the 2nd module), some readings and assignments given by the teachers

Target group: Undergraduate students

Period: 2nd independent module in the period 4

Credits: 2 credits.

Language: English

Study materials: Some articles delivered in the first session and materials designed by the teachers.

Mode of Active participation in at least 75% of lecture seminars, doing

Completion assignments and readings, reflective learning diary (5 pages) on seminars and readings (in English or in Finnish).

Course coordin. Anna Metteri

Feedback: Written feedback from students in English or in Finnish.


Including Client Perspectives in Mental Health Social Work

Visiting professor Ann Davis, University of Birmingham, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH), U.K.

Mon March 16 at 10-12, LINNA room K110

Tue March 17 at 10-12, LINNA room K112

Wed March 18 at 10-12, LINNA room K112

Child Policy and Child Protection in Russia

Visiting lecturer Alexandre Voronov, Director of the Centre of Theoretical and Practical Social Work and Students? Initiatives, State University of St. Petersburg, Russia

Mon March 23 at 10-12, LINNA room K110

Tue March 24 at 10-12, LINNA room K112

Wed March 25 at 10-11, LINNA room K112

Readings for the 2nd module, March 2009:

1. Cox, David & Pawar, Manohar (2006). The integrated Perspectives Approach to International Social Work. In David Cox and Manohar Pawar, International Social Work. Issues, Strategies, and Programs. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage, 23-47.

2. Cree, Viviene and Davis, Ann (2007) Mental Health Social Work. In Social Work: Voices from the Inside. London: Routledge, 1-22.

3. Glynn, Tony and Ansell, Julie (2006) Survival and Abuse: What We Can Learn From It? Journal of Social Work Education 25(4), 418 ? 428.

4. Grebneva, Irina A (2006) Social work development in Kazakhstan.? International Social Work 49(6), 819-823.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration from Jan 15 to March 6, 2009.

Visiting professor Ann Davis, University of Birgmingham, U.K., Teacher responsible
Visiting lecturer Alexandre Voronov, State University of St. Petersburg, Russia, Teacher responsible
Coordinator Anna Metteri, Teacher
16-Mar-2009 – 25-Mar-2009
Independent work
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English