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Arkistoitu opetusohjelma 2014–2015
Selaat vanhentunutta opetusohjelmaa. Voimassa olevan opetusohjelman löydät täältä.
Tilastotieteen maisteriopinnot


I Periodi (1.9.2014 – 24.10.2014)
III Periodi (7.1.2015 – 13.3.2015)

Alla on julkaistu tilastotieteen maisteriopintojen opetusohjelma. Tutkintorakenteen, tutkintoon vaadittavat opintojaksot sekä opintokokonaisuuksien sisällöt voi tarkistaa opinto-oppaasta.

Perus- ja aineopintojen opetus löytyy Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen kandidaattiohjelman kohdalta.

Myös ennen syksyä 2012 aloittaneet opiskelijat valitsevat opintojaksot tästä opetusohjelmasta, vaikka noudattaisivat aiemmin voimassa ollutta opetussuunnitelmaa. Vanhojen ja uusien opintojaksojen vastaavuudet voi tarkistaa tutkinto-ohjelman verkkosivuilla julkaistusta vastaavuustaulukosta.

Tilastotieteen kokonaismerkinnät pyydetään tutkinto-ohjelman asiointiosoitteesta mtt-studies@sis.uta.fi. Liitä pyyntöön nimen ja opiskelijanumeron lisäksi kokonaisuuden tiedot (nimi ja sisältö).

Palautetta opetuksesta ja kursseista voi antaa palautelomakkeella.

Periodi (1.9.2014 - 24.10.2014)
Syventävät opinnot [I Periodi]
Arto Luoma, Vastaava opettaja
To 4.9.2014 - 20.11.2014 viikoittain klo 10-12, Pinni B0020, Ei opetusta 23.10.
Pe 5.9.2014 - 21.11.2014 viikoittain klo 10-12, Pinni B0020, Ei opetusta 24.10.
Pe 12.9.2014 - 28.11.2014 viikoittain klo 12-14, Pinni B0020, Ei opetusta 24.10.
Periodit: I II
Opetuskieli: suomi
Jaakko Peltonen, Vastaava opettaja
1.9.2014 –
syksy 2014
Ma 1.9.2014 - 15.12.2014 joka toinen viikko klo 12-14, Pinni B2077
kevät 2015, maanantaisin klo 12-14, Pinni B0020. Tapaamiskerroista sovitaan seminaarissa.
Periodit: I II III IV
Opetuskieli: suomi

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [I Periodi]

Learning from multiple sources denotes the problem of jointly learning from a set of (partially) related learning problems, views, or tasks. This general concept underlies several topics of research, which differ in terms of the assumptions made about the dependency structure between learning problems. During the course, we will cover a number of different learning tasks for integrating multiple sources and go through recent advances in the field. Examples of topics covered by the course include data fusion, transfer learning, multitask learning, multiview learning, and learning under covariate shift.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enroll by sending e-mail to the lecturer (jaakko.peltonen@uta.fi) by 12.9. at the latest. After 12.9. contact the lecturer.

Jaakko Peltonen, Teacher responsible
8-Sep-2014 –
Mon 8-Sep-2014 - 15-Dec-2014 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B2077, no lectures on mondays 20-Oct nor 8-Dec
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Modes of study

- Lectures
- Exercises (independent work)
- Exam

Recommended preceding studies

Basic mathematics and probability courses; basic competence in a scientific programming language such as matlab or R. 


Course can be an optional course in
- Advanced Studies in Statistics
- Advanced Studies in Computational Methods and Programming

Further information on including this course in advanced studies, contact your study advisor or professor.

Periodi (7.1.2015 - 13.3.2015)
Syventävät opinnot [III Periodi]

Vieraalla kielellä annettava opetus [III Periodi]

  • polytomous and ordinal regression
  • generalized additive models
  • nonlinear and nonparametric regression
  • multilevel models
  • modelling continuous and discrete longitudinal data
  • missing data
Enrolment for University Studies

Enroll by sending e-mail to mtt-studies@sis.uta.fi by 6.1.2015 at the latest. After this, participate to the first lecture or contact the lecturer.

Arto Luoma, Teacher responsible
Thu 15-Jan-2015 - 5-Mar-2015 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B0020
Fri 16-Jan-2015 - 6-Mar-2015 weekly at 10-12, Pinni B0020
Thu 26-Mar-2015 at 12-15, Pinni A2089, exam.
Fri 23-Jan-2015 - 6-Mar-2015 weekly at 12-14, Pinni B0020
Thu 9-Apr-2015 - 30-Apr-2015 weekly at 12-14, Pinni B0016
16-Apr-2015 , Pinni B1084
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Lectures and exercises on period III. Meetings on pediod IV are agreed during the course (meetings/seminars for coursework presentations).

If all the participants of the course are finnish, course is lectured in finnish.

Properties of high-dim data; Feature Selection; Linear feature extraction methods such as principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis; Graphical excellence; Human perception; Nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods such as the self-organizing map and Laplacian embedding; Neighbor embedding methods such as stochastic neighbor embedding and the neighbor retrieval visualizer; Graph visualization; Graph layout methods such as LinLog.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enroll by sending e-mail to the lecturer (jaakko.peltonen@uta.fi) by 6.1.2015 at the latest. After this, participate to the first lecture.

Jaakko Peltonen, Teacher responsible
Mon 12-Jan-2015 - 11-May-2015 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B0020, no lectures on mondays 9-Mar or 6-Apr
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Modes of study

- Lectures
- Exercises (independent work)
- Exam

Recommended preceding studies

Basic mathematics and probability courses; basic competence in a scientific programming language such as matlab or R. 


Course can be an optional course in
- Advanced Studies in Statistics
- Advanced Studies in Computational Methods and Programming
- M.Sc. programme in Algorithmics

Further information on including this course in advanced studies, contact your study advisor or professor.