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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
CAST (Centre for Applied Statistics and Data Analytics)


Period I (29-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016)
Period II (24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016)
Period III (9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017)
Period IV (6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017)

Quantitative methodology courses provided under CAST during 2018-2019 school year are published below.

The courses are collected from the teaching schedules of the various degree programmes in the university and CAST.

The arrangements of each course are taken care of by each degree programme or school organizing the course.

The listed courses may have requirements or recommendations for preceeding studies which are described in the curricula guides. This additional information should be explored beforehand. Assignments to the courses are according to the information given in the teaching schedule. The applicability of a course to one's own degree programme has to be checked by each school or HOPS supervisor.

See overview of additional statistical and quantitative method events at Tampere University on page https://research.uta.fi/cast/news/

Data Science

For more information on this course, see the TUT course description from 2015 (the new description for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible):

SGN-84007: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-84007.html

Language of instruction: English

For more information on this course, see the TUT course description from 2015 (the new description for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible):

SGN-11006: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-11006-1.html

Language of instruction: English

For more information on this course, see the TUT course description from 2015 (the new description for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible):

SGN-41006: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-41006.html

Language of instruction: English

The course can be completed by one of the following courses:

SGN-13006: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-13006.html

TIETS39: https://www10.uta.fi/opas/opintojakso.htm?rid=11458&idx=3&uiLang=fi&lang=en&lvv=2015

For more information on this course, see the TUT and UTA course descriptions above from 2015 (the new descriptions for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible).

Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This course can be completed by several options based on availability. Please see both TUT and UTA websites for information on this course.

The course can be completed by one of the following courses:

SGN-42006:  http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-42006.html

TIETS07: https://www10.uta.fi/opas/opintojakso.htm?rid=11458&idx=0&uiLang=en&lang=en&lvv=2015

For more information on this course, see the TUT and UTA course descriptions above from 2015 (the new descriptions for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible).

Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This course can be completed by several options based on availability. Please see both TUT and UTA websites for information on this course.

Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Book exam only. Available on the General Exam days of BMT.

Period (29-Aug-2016 - 23-Oct-2016)
Basics Statistics [Period I]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
8-Sep-2016 – 15-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended time of study in the first year of the programme.

Theoretical Statistics [Period I]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
5-Sep-2016 – 17-Oct-2016
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Statistics for Cross-sectional Data [Period I]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Oct-2016 – 31-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please note! All students who are accepted to this course will receive a questionnaire concerning their prior knowledge on quantitative methods on 7 October. This questionnaire must be filled in on Tuesday 11 October at the latest.

The course is only for the degree students of the following programmes:

- MDP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research

- MDP in Global and Transnational Studies

Data Science [Period I]

The course will require, in the order of importance (most important first), the following:

  • Satisfactory programming skills (including object-oriented programming). E.g. the introductory Java-based programming courses TIEP1 High Level Programming I and TIEP5 High Level Programming II.
  • Basics of databases. E.g. the course TIEP3 Databases.
  • Basics of statistics. E.g. the course MTTP1 Introduction to Statistics.
Enrolment for University Studies

Priority is given to 1) the students in the Master's Degree Programme in Computational Big Data Analytics and 2) students in the degree programmes in Computer Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics.

Enrolment time has expired
29-Aug-2016 – 20-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Recommended preceding studies:

  • TIETA6 Data Structures and
  • MTTTP1 Introduction to statistics

Or equivalent courses.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Modes of study

- Lectures
- Exercises (independent work)
- Exam

Enrolment for University Studies

If you missed the original deadline, please enroll by sending an email to the teacher.

Enrolment time has expired
29-Aug-2016 – 12-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

For more information on this course, see the TUT course description from 2015 (the new description for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible):

SGN-53007: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-53007.html

Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Course programme and more information:


29-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended during the second year of study in the bioinformatics programme. BIO4450 or equivalent knowledge is required as a prerequisite.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
29-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended for first year bioinformatics students.

Period (24-Oct-2016 - 16-Dec-2016)
Basics Statistics [Period II]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
8-Sep-2016 – 15-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended time of study in the first year of the programme.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
24-Oct-2016 – 22-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Statistics for Cross-sectional Data [Period II]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Oct-2016 – 31-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please note! All students who are accepted to this course will receive a questionnaire concerning their prior knowledge on quantitative methods on 7 October. This questionnaire must be filled in on Tuesday 11 October at the latest.

The course is only for the degree students of the following programmes:

- MDP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research

- MDP in Global and Transnational Studies

Data Science [Period II]

The course will require, in the order of importance (most important first), the following:

  • Satisfactory programming skills (including object-oriented programming). E.g. the introductory Java-based programming courses TIEP1 High Level Programming I and TIEP5 High Level Programming II.
  • Basics of databases. E.g. the course TIEP3 Databases.
  • Basics of statistics. E.g. the course MTTP1 Introduction to Statistics.
Enrolment for University Studies

Priority is given to 1) the students in the Master's Degree Programme in Computational Big Data Analytics and 2) students in the degree programmes in Computer Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics.

Enrolment time has expired
29-Aug-2016 – 20-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Recommended preceding studies:

  • TIETA6 Data Structures and
  • MTTTP1 Introduction to statistics

Or equivalent courses.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies

If more than 40 students enroll priority will be given to 1) the students in the Master's Degree Programme in Computational Big Data Analytics, 2) the students in the Master's Degree Programme in Software Development, and 3) the students in the Master's Programme in Information Studies and Interactive Media, Specialization in Information Practices.

Enrolment time has expired
24-Oct-2016 – 31-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended preceding studies: TIEP3 Data Bases ITIA4 Introduction to information retrieval TIETA17 Introduction to Big Data Processing

Modes of study

- Lectures
- Exercises (independent work)
- Exam

Enrolment for University Studies

If you missed the original deadline, please enroll by sending an email to the teacher.

Enrolment time has expired
29-Aug-2016 – 12-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

This course covers a wide range of statistical models and methods for data that are collected at different spatial locations (and at different times).

These data are called spatial  (or spatio-temporal) data, which are prevalent in many disciplines such as forestry, climatology, geology, environmental and health sciences, and economy, etc.

Topics covered include the geostatistical techniques of kriging and variogram analysis, point process methods for spatial case control, and area-level analysis.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
26-Oct-2016 – 7-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Web-based course, no contact teaching. BIO2200 or equivalent knowledge is recommended as a prerequisite. Open for exchange students with suitable background. An identical course is organizaed in period IV.

Course programme and more information:


29-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended during the second year of study in the bioinformatics programme. BIO4450 or equivalent knowledge is required as a prerequisite.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
29-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended for first year bioinformatics students.

For more information on this course, see the TUT course description from 2015 (the new description for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible):

SGN-53206: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-53206.html

Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Period (9-Jan-2017 - 5-Mar-2017)
Basics Statistics [Period III]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended during the first year of study in the bioinformatics Master's degree programme. BIO2200 and BIO2310 or equivalent knowledge required as a prerequisite.

Theoretical Statistics [Period III]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 3-Mar-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Data Science [Period III]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 12-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
17-Jan-2017 – 23-Feb-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 28-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course is suitable for biotechnology students without prior programming experience. BIO2200 and BIO2085 or equivalent knowledge is recommended as a prerequisite.

Web-based course.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended during the first year of study in the bioinformatics Master's degree programme. BIO2200 and BIO2310 or equivalent knowledge required as a prerequisite.

For more information on this course, see the TUT course description from 2015 (the new description for 2016 will be updated as soon as possible):

SGN-52606: http://www.tut.fi/wwwoppaat/opas2015-2016/perus/laitokset/Signaalinkasittely/SGN-52606.html

Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (6-Mar-2017 - 28-May-2017)
Basics Statistics [Period IV]
8-Mar-2016 – 24-May-2016
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

List of modes of study:

* Participation in classroom work

* Exercise(s)

* Assignment 

Statistics for Cross-sectional Data [Period IV]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
6-Mar-2017 – 5-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Statistics for Longitudinal Data [Period IV]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Mar-2017 – 5-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Data Science [Period IV]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
22-Mar-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 12-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Web-based course, no contact teaching. BIO2200 or equivalent knowledge is recommended as a prerequisite. Open for exchange students with suitable background. An identical course is organized in period II.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 28-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course is suitable for biotechnology students without prior programming experience. BIO2200 and BIO2085 or equivalent knowledge is recommended as a prerequisite.

Web-based course.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
14-Mar-2017 – 10-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

BIO2200, BIO2310 and BIO4440 or equivalent knowledge required as a prerequisite.

The course BIO4420 is NOT organised in Spring 2017. See below for more infomation on a substituting course.

9-Jan-2017 – 28-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course BIO4420 will NOT be organized this spring.

Instead, we are strongly recommending all BINF students to take the machine learning course SGN-41007 at TUT in Hervanta (and partly at UTA main campus). This course will automatically replace BIO4420 in the curriculum and your study plan. See the web page at http://www.cs.tut.fi/kurssit/SGN-41007/ for more information. Notice the course start 10.1.2017. Please contact the organiser a.s.a.p. if you still want to join.


If we have agreed on a different plan for your personal study plan (PSP) or you have other questions, feel free to contact me by e-mail (juha.kesseli@uta.fi).