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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Journalism and Mass Communication


Period I (1-Sep-2009 – 16-Oct-2009)
Period II (26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009)
Period III (7-Jan-2010 – 5-Mar-2010)
Period IV (15-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010)
Period (1-Sep-2009 - 16-Oct-2009)
Intermediate Studies [Period I]

(Organized by University Network for Communication Sciences).

Contents and goals: The Finnish Media and Communication System course will introduce you to the history,  development and the present directions of Finnish media. The course will start with the analysis of more raditional mass media, such as print, radio, television in Finland and proceed to exploring different factors that lead Finland to become one of the countries with the highest development of Information Society in the world. Digitalization of media technologies and the resulting convergence of communication technologies, mediaforms and genres will be discussed from the social and cultural context perspective

Working methods: The main mode of course participation will be weekly discussions in the Moodle  discussion forums. Weekly learnign diaries.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration has ended on September 14th at 16:00.

21-Sep-2009 – 1-Nov-2009
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Compensation in the Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: 5 ECTS from TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Compensation in the ISSS Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: TIEIB7E1 Media Economy and Policy or or 2 ECTS in TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

(Lectures 2 ects and readings 3 ects).

28-Sep-2009 – 1-Oct-2009
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

Compensation in the ISSS Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: TIEIB7E1 Media Economy and Policy or 3 ECTS in TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

8-Sep-2009 – 14-Oct-2009
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

In Media Culture the course can be used to cover the following study modules:MEKYA7 (Culture and power). MEKYA9 (Study projects). It can also cover partly modules MEKYS1 and MEKYS2.

Mondays at 12:15 - 13:45, lecture room A07, Main building, and Thursdays at 14:15 - 15:45, lecture hall B1096, Pinni.

A joint course organized by The Research Centre for Contemporary Culture (University of Jyväskylä) and Media Culture (University of Tampere), with partly actual and partly video-mediated presence of the participants.


17-Sep-2009 – 15-Oct-2009
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (26-Oct-2009 - 11-Dec-2009)
Intermediate Studies [Period II]

(Organized by University Network for Communication Sciences).

Contents and goals: The Finnish Media and Communication System course will introduce you to the history,  development and the present directions of Finnish media. The course will start with the analysis of more raditional mass media, such as print, radio, television in Finland and proceed to exploring different factors that lead Finland to become one of the countries with the highest development of Information Society in the world. Digitalization of media technologies and the resulting convergence of communication technologies, mediaforms and genres will be discussed from the social and cultural context perspective

Working methods: The main mode of course participation will be weekly discussions in the Moodle  discussion forums. Weekly learnign diaries.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration has ended on September 14th at 16:00.

21-Sep-2009 – 1-Nov-2009
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

The course aims to give students an overview of Finnish communication studies on computer mediated communication, discussed by visiting on-line teachers from member departments of University Networks for Communication Sciences. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Selection Order:

1. International degree and exchange students of the Department (Oman laitoksen ulkomaiset tutkinto- ja vaihto-opiskelijat)
2. Finnish degree students of the Department (Oman laitoksen suomalaiset pääaineen opiskelijat)
3. International minor subject students (Ulkomaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)
4. Finnish minor subject students (Suomalaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)

Organised by the University Network for Communication Sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by application form. Deadline 19-Oct-2009 at 16:00. Registration has ended.

26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

Compensation in the Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: 5 ECTS from TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Luennot 21 t ja kirjallisuus.

Compensation in the ISSS Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: 4 ECTS in TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

26-Oct-2009 – 7-Dec-2009
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period II]


12-15 Media and Society (Kaarle Nordenstreng & Jukka Pietiläinen)


12-15  Media Systems in Europe (Kaarle Nordenstreng & Jukka Pietiläinen)


12-15 European Broadcasting Policy (Greg Lowe)


14-16 Finnish and Scandinavian Media (Jyrki Jyrkiäinen)


12-15 Russian Media History (Dmitry Strovsky)


12-15 Current Russian Media (Sergey Gryzunov)


12-15 Russian Media in Western View (Jukka Pietiläinen)

Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2010 - 5-Mar-2010)
Intermediate Studies [Period III]

Opetuskieli / Language: suomi ja englanti, Finnish and English

Miltä "suomalaisuus" näyttää valkokankaalla? Entä "kiinalaisuus"? Millaiselta näyttää kansakunnan menneisyys nykypäivän elokuvissa? Muistuttavatko kansallisuuden esitykset toisiaan?  Kurssin tarkoituksena on antaa opiskelijoille yleiskuva elokuvan ja kansallisuuksien moninaisista suhteista. Kurssilla käsitellään elokuvan roolia kansallisuuksien rakentamisessa yleisesti. Analyyseissä keskitytään joko "suomalaisuuden" tai "kiinalaisuuden" kuvauksiin.

How does "Finnishness" look like? Or "Chinessness"? How do the past and the present of a nation look? The course aims to give students an overview of the various relations between nationality and cinema. We aim to analyze the role of the national cinema in general, but will concentrate on Finnishness and Chineness in the analyses.

Max. 17 opiskelijaa/ 17 students

Selection Order:

  1. Chinese  students (kiinalaiset opiskelijat)
  2. International degree and exchange students of the Department (Oman laitoksen ulkomaiset tutkinto- ja vaihto-opiskelijat)
  3. Finnish degree students of the Department (Oman laitoksen suomalaiset pääaineen opiskelijat)
  4. Finnish minor subject students (Suomalaiset sivuaineen opiskelija
Enrolment for University Studies

Ilmoittautuminen sähköpostilla / Registration by e-mail to Sanna.K.Kivimaki@uta.fi

12-Jan-2010 – 3-Mar-2010
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

This multidisciplinary course aims to give an overview of Finnish communication studies on democracy and citizenship. Each week you'll be required to do different activities, usually based on at least one of the provided articles. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Selection Order:

1. International degree and exchange students of the Department (Oman laitoksen ulkomaiset tutkinto- ja vaihto-opiskelijat)
2. Finnish degree students of the Department (Oman laitoksen suomalaiset pääaineen opiskelijat)
3. International minor subject students (Ulkomaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)
4. Finnish minor subject students (Suomalaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)

Organised by University Network for Communication Sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by application form. Registration deadline 18-Jan-2010 at 16:00.

25-Jan-2010 – 14-Mar-2010
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

Since Professor Wolfgang Kleinwächter cannot come to Tampere in February (for health reasons) the lecture course is divided to two parts: the first 10 hours are delivered as scheduled on 15-17 February and the rest (10 hours) on 7-8 April. The first part covers international and global communication in general, with Prof Kaarle Nordenstreng and others as lecturers. The second part focuses on Internet governance, with Prof. Kleinwächter and Mr Yrjö Länsipuro as lecturers.

Attending lectures (10 + 10) with lecture diary will bring 3 ECTS and writing an essay books will bring additional 2 ECTS (see instructions in the schedule).

Compensation in the ISSS Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: TIEIB7E1 Media Economy and Policy or or 2 ECTS in TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

15-Feb-2010 – 8-Apr-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

The course is part of the UNIPID virtual studies study module.

Registration for students at the University of Tampere: 15 November 2009 - 15 January 2010 through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Recearch / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7. Participants will be informed on their acceptance to the course by latest 20 January 2010. Also instructions and the key for entering to Moodle will be given.

Registration for UniPID-students: 15 November 2009 - 15 January 2010 by filling a registration form at http://www.unipidvirtualstudies.fi/content/courses in order to get ECTS credits to be registered at the University of Tampere. A transcript of records will be sent to UniPID when the course is passed.

Study materials: Video lectures; 40 lecture hours (produced 2008-2009). Learning materials and texts related to the video lectures will be available on the Moodle -course management system from 20 January 2010.

1) Learn major factors of social development and how they are in relation to each others.
2) Learn the Finnish discourse on global development.

Learning methods: A particular student centered learning diary based on the lectures. Length of the diary ab. 8 pages (1,5-row, 12-font). Further information will be given at the Moodle-site. Deadline for learning diaries: A paper version is to be posted to Ms. Anna Vähämäki, ISSS, Faculty of Social Sciences, 33014 University of Tampere by 31 March 2010 (posting day). Locals: Use the university's internal mailing system (it is free, contact any caretaker).

Course outline available on the ISSS web page http://www.uta.fi/isss/study_information/curricula_guides/Global_Social.html

Assessment: passed / failed, 0-5 grading on a student's request.

Pedagogical frameworks: Critical pedagogy and problem based learning.

Inquiries: isss@uta.fi

Teacher in charge: Lecturer Mikko Perkiö.

Teaching language: English


Department of Social Research:

SPOLA3A7 6 ECTS (includes extra assignment)
SPOLS4   5 ECTS (by agreement)
SOSLA2.2 5 ECTS (in addition one book has to be taken an exam to complete the module) 
SOSAA2.1 5 ECTS (in addition one book has to be taken an exam to complete the module)

Department of Social Work Research:

STYÖS1B2 5 ECTS (To complete the module by an extra 2-3 pages essay agreed with Kirsi Günter)

Journalism and mass communication:
4 ECTS to be agreed with Emeritus Professor Kaarle Nordenstreng.

History:Compensates 5 ECTS HISOA2

Women's studies: The course with the learning diary is 4 credits in Women's Studies, or, upon agreement, 6-7 credits with a longer essay. The arguments for the questions have to deal with the thematic of gender and sexuality in all cases.

W.S.2 Gender in the Making: c)'Race', Ethnicity, Post-colonialism (7 ECTS)
NAISA2D Kansallisuus ja kansalaisuus (6 op)
NAISA2I Globaalit geminismit (6op)
M5 Naistutkimuksen alat (8 op)

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
20-Jan-2010 – 31-Mar-2010
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

Students of the Master's degree programmes on Political Communication and in Global Governance and World Culture can use this course as part of their "Joint Studies".

Students of the Master's degree Programme in European and Russian Studies majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication can use this course as part of their "Other ERS studies"



The objective of the course is to gain a critical understanding of the role national and international media (newspapers, radio, television, online, blogs, citizens' journalism) play in promoting discord and tension, as well as peace and reconciliation, in a range of societies in conflict or just emerging from war.


The course looks critically at how different types of media work towards peace and reconciliation, or the opposite, in four settings: Afghanistan, Rwanda, Cambodia and Nepal. The lecturer, as a journalist or as UN official, has direct experience of all four countries. The sessions will attempt to track recent conflict and post-conflict cases in the chosen examples through the eyes of both national and foreign media and critically examine how and why their outputs and actions contribute to ongoing peace or actually promote and worsen the conflict.

The sessions will begin with a broad discussion on what is meant by `nation building´ and where journalism fits into such a concept. Many local journalists I worked with in South Africa saw `sunshine journalism´as political affirmation of the new post-apartheid dispensation. But this was often at the expense of ethics. Ethically-sound journalism means rigorous reporting and editing, putting politicians on the spot, exposing injustice, demanding accountability from elected representatives, and the like. But does such an approach always lead to national reconciliation?





Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
12-Feb-2010 – 5-Mar-2010
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period III]
18-Jan-2010 – 29-Mar-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (15-Mar-2010 - 14-May-2010)
Basic Studies [Period IV]

Visiting lecturer: Assistant Professor B. Ahu Erdogdu from Yeditepe University, Turkey

The lectures are open for all exchange and degree students. The students will take part in the lecture series and write an essay (8 pages) which lecturer will evaluate and give a grade.

Lecture topics:

1. What is New Media?
2. New media in everyday life (Social Media)
3. Traditional and New Media in Turkey
 4. The Future of Media in Turkey
(technological and cultural distinctions in EU countries)

Language of instruction: English

Teaching methodology: lectures, discussion

Assessment: 1-5 point scale

1. Attendance in the lecture seminar

2. Essay (8 pages)

Evaluation: Class attendance and active participation in discussions (30%) and essay (70%). Essay literature and instructions will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
19-Apr-2010 – 22-Apr-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Visiting lecturer: Anda Rozukalne, Riga Stradins University, Latvia

Special lecture series on TV reality formats development in Latvia which includes case analysis and theoretical approach of participation culture, fandom and changes of media content structure.

The lecture series is open for all exchange and degree students at the University of Tampere.

Lecture topics:

1. Development  of  the reality TV. International TV products for Latvian audience: globalization vs. glocalization

2. Debating reality TV.

3. The rise of Reality TV.

4. Most important forms of reality TV. The roots of the adapted international dancing and singing shows phenomenon in Latvia.

5. Audience of TV shows: fandom, mediated participation culture, interactivity.

Language of instruction: English

Teaching methodology: lectures, discussion

Assessment: 1-5 point scale

1. Attendance in the lecture seminar

2. Essay (8 pages)

Teaching methods: lectures.

Evaluation: Class attendance and active participation in discussions (30%) and essay (70%). Essay literature and instructions will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
28-Apr-2010 – 30-Apr-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Intermediate Studies [Period IV]

The course aims to give you an overview of current studies on rhetorics-, persuasion- and effects themes in communication studies, discussed by visiting on-line teachers from member departments of University Networks for Communication Sciences. Weekly discussions and learning diaries.  Preassignment.

Selection Order:

1. International degree and exchange students of the Department (Oman laitoksen ulkomaiset tutkinto- ja vaihto-opiskelijat)
2. Finnish degree students of the Department (Oman laitoksen suomalaiset pääaineen opiskelijat)
3. International minor subject students (Ulkomaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)
4. Finnish minor subject students (Suomalaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)

Organised by University Network for Communication Sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by application form. Registration deadline 8-Mar-2010 at 16:00.

15-Mar-2010 – 5-May-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Lectures, excursions and exercises (20 h) and independent work. Group size: 16 students.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by Nettiopsu.

Registration deadline 09-March-2010 at 16:00. Selection criteria: Priority is given to international Bachelor´s degree students and exchange students.

Enrolment time has expired
16-Mar-2010 – 20-Apr-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Since Professor Wolfgang Kleinwächter cannot come to Tampere in February (for health reasons) the lecture course is divided to two parts: the first 10 hours are delivered as scheduled on 15-17 February and the rest (10 hours) on 7-8 April. The first part covers international and global communication in general, with Prof Kaarle Nordenstreng and others as lecturers. The second part focuses on Internet governance, with Prof. Kleinwächter and Mr Yrjö Länsipuro as lecturers.

Attending lectures (10 + 10) with lecture diary will bring 3 ECTS and writing an essay books will bring additional 2 ECTS (see instructions in the schedule).

Compensation in the ISSS Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: TIEIB7E1 Media Economy and Policy or or 2 ECTS in TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies.

15-Feb-2010 – 8-Apr-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

This course focuses on the present challenges of journalistic practice from the perspective of the newsroom. The course starts with an introduction to the present professional standards, mission and identity of journalists in Finland. We will then move on to discuss journalistic practice as one of the professional practices facing the challenge of powerful market forces and audience?s rapidly changing sense of time and place due to the internet.

Working Method:

Participation in lectures (18 hrs) and an assignment (2 ECTS)

Participation in lectures (18 hrs), an assignment and a book exam (4 ECTS)

Group size: 20 students. (Priority to the international exchange students of the Department of Journalism and Mass Media. Available also to other students, if there is place.)

Programme and Litterature: to be announced


Enrolment for University Studies

BINDING registration by Monday February 8, 2010 by the registration form.

16-Mar-2010 – 27-Apr-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

This course aims at presenting an overview of media research developed in Latin America. Scholars from the region have played an important role in international debates concerning media democratization, alternative /community media and cultural studies. However, in the vast literature about the development of the communication field worldwide, media studies in Latin America remain highly unnoticed. The course will initially provide a brief introduction to Latin American (mass) media development as an ideological instrument by foreign governments, corporations and authoritarian rulers. You will also see how mass media technologies were used as instruments of resistance and creation of popular awareness and civic engagement. In this context, the lectures will describe how Latin American scholars have thought, advocated and employed media as mechanisms for regional self-understanding and social transformation.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
12-Apr-2010 – 16-Apr-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Online course. Orginized by Diak.

5 thematical learning modules (1 ECTS each), each including an introductory text with learning assignments, and the actual learning materials (video lecturers, articles, reports etc.) to be used for doing the learning assignments. The learning assignments will be published in each student's blog at Kulmakivi.org, and will be commented by teachers/tutors and other students. The community-based journalistic production is a process running through all the five modules, made visible and reflected on step by step in the student's blog, and commented by other participants in the course.

Timetable: Weeks 10-19 (8.3.-14.5.2010). 2 weeks for completing each module.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by email to Sanna.K.Kivimaki@uta.fi
Deadline 3-March-2010 at 16:00.

8-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period IV]
18-Jan-2010 – 29-Mar-2010
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English