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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Master's Programme in Media Culture


Period I (2-Sep-2013 – 18-Oct-2013)
Period II (21-Oct-2013 – 13-Dec-2013)
Period III (7-Jan-2014 – 7-Mar-2014)
Period IV (10-Mar-2014 – 16-May-2014)
Period (2-Sep-2013 - 18-Oct-2013)
Advanced Studies [Period I]
Enrolment for University Studies

NettiOpsun kautta.

Enrolment time has expired
10-Sep-2013 – 8-Oct-2013
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (21-Oct-2013 - 13-Dec-2013)
Advanced Studies [Period II]

This course is a hands-on introduction to the practices of media education for social change. Having the fields of development communication (DevCom) and communication for social change (CFSC) as a backdrop, the students will be introduced to the history, the theory and the practices of media-educational interventions for social change around the world. In addition, the students will work in groups to plan media education projects for social change. This practical exercise is meant to provide the students with the simulated experience of planning pedagogical-interventional strategies and also to be critical about the challenges that arise in the implementation of this kind of project.

This course consists of (1) weekly mandatory readings, (2) discussions in class and (3) group work. In order to pass the course, the students are expected to be active in the three kinds of activities. Moodle will be used to circulate the texts and as platform for group discussions.
There is room for max 15 students in the course.

Enrolment for University Studies


Enrolment time has expired
19-Nov-2013 – 3-Dec-2013
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2014 - 7-Mar-2014)
Advanced Studies [Period III]
Enrolment for University Studies


Enrolment time has expired
14-Jan-2014 – 25-Feb-2014
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Maisteriopiskelijoilta edellytetään, että kandiopinnot on tehtynä (ei koske vaihto-opiskelijoita).

Organization of an International Conference: Media Education Futures 2014 (5 ECTS).

The course aims to develop skills in organization of an international conference, specialized in media education. This practical course is integrated to the conference titled as Media Education Futures 2014 which takes place on the 8th-9th May 2014 at the University of Tampere, see more http://www.uta.fi/cmt/mediaeducationfutures/index.html.

Students work together with the conference team. Mainly the working hours take place during the conference.

Conference on May takes place mainly in Pinni Building.

Enrolment for University Studies

Max 15 students will be selected through the enrollment in Nettiopsu. The first meeting takes place on the 11th March at 12-16 and the second one on the 15th April at 12-16. Other meetings may take place in groups.

Enrolment time has expired
11-Mar-2014 – 9-May-2014
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (10-Mar-2014 - 16-May-2014)
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

Organization of an International Conference: Media Education Futures 2014 (5 ECTS).

The course aims to develop skills in organization of an international conference, specialized in media education. This practical course is integrated to the conference titled as Media Education Futures 2014 which takes place on the 8th-9th May 2014 at the University of Tampere, see more http://www.uta.fi/cmt/mediaeducationfutures/index.html.

Students work together with the conference team. Mainly the working hours take place during the conference.

Conference on May takes place mainly in Pinni Building.

Enrolment for University Studies

Max 15 students will be selected through the enrollment in Nettiopsu. The first meeting takes place on the 11th March at 12-16 and the second one on the 15th April at 12-16. Other meetings may take place in groups.

Enrolment time has expired
11-Mar-2014 – 9-May-2014
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English