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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Bachelor of Social Sciences / ISSS


Period I (1-Sep-2009 – 16-Oct-2009)
Period II (26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009)
Period III (7-Jan-2010 – 5-Mar-2010)
Period IV (15-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010)


International Relations

KVPIB4A1 Finnish Foreign and Security Policy 4 ECTS
Anni Kangas

KVPIB4A2 Disciplinary History, Theory Formation and Philosophical Foundations 3 ECTS
Anna-Riitta Salomäki

KVPIB7A1 World Politics 8 ECTS
Helle Palu

KVPIB8A1 European Integration 8 ECTS
Pami Aalto

KVPIB8A2 Peace and Conflict Research 7 ECTS
Tarja Seppä


Political Science

VALIB4C1 Introduction to Political Science 3 ECTS
Erika Säynässalo

VALIB4C2 Politics and Ideologies in Modern Europe 4 ECTS
Erika Säynässalo

VALIB7C1 Finnish and Nordic Politics 8 ECTS
Erika Säynässalo

VALIB8C1 Europe and Globalization 8 ECTS
Tapio Raunio

VALIB8C2 Political Participation 7 ECTS
Jarmo Rinne



SOSLA2.1 Information, Science and Technology 6 ECTS
Jari Aro

SOSLA2.2 Comparative Research 6 ECTS
Matti Alestalo

SOSLA2.3 Cultural Studies 6 ECTS
Pasi Pyöriä

SOSLA2.4 Social Institutions and Practices 6 ECTS
Ilkka Arminen

SOSLA2.5 Power and Inequality 6 ECTS
Harri Melin


Social Policy

SPOIB4B1 Introduction to Social Policy 4 ECTS
Tapio Rissanen

SPOIB4B2 Current Issues in Social Policy 4 ECTS
Katja Repo

SPOIB7B2 Nordic Welfare Model 5 ECTS
Minna Zechner

SPOIB8B1 Comparative Welfare State Research 3 ECTS
Satu Ojala

SPOIB8B2 Social Policy and Development 5 ECTS
Mikko Perkiö

SPOLS21 Comparative Research on Welfare State 6 ECTS
Liina Sointu 

SPOLS22 Research on Family and Care 6 ECTS
Teija Hautanen

SPOLS23 Research on Work and Welfare 6 ECTS
Pertti Koistinen

SPOLS24  Citizenship 6 ECTS
Ritva Nätkin

SPOLS25 Other Research Areas 6 ECTS
Pertti Koistinen


Social Psychology

SPSYA1 Overview on the Contents of Social Psychology 6 ECTS
Tarja Aaltonen

SPSYA2.1 Interaction process 6 ECTS
Johanna Ruusuvuori

SPSYA2.2 Self and Life Course in Social Context 6 ECTS
Miia Lähde

SPSYA2.3 Discursive Practices and Culture 6 ECTS
Eero Suoninen

SPSYA2.4 Institutions, Organizations and Groups 6 ECTS
Tarja Aaltonen


Social Anthropology

SOSAP5 Social Anthropological Research 7 ECTS
Mari Korpela

SOSAA2.1 Anthropological Perspectives on Society 6 ECTS
Laura Huttunen

SOSAA2.2 Multiculturalism, Ethnicity, Racism 6 ECTS
Anna Rastas


Womens's Studies

WSB1 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 7 ECTS
Kirsti Lempiäinen

WSB2A Gender, Citizenship and Local Societies 7 ECTS
Jaana Vuori

WSB2B Images and Representations of Gender 7 ECTS
Marjo Kolehmainen

WSB2C "Race", ethnicity and post-colonialism 7 ECTS
Anu Hirsiaho

WSB3 Feminist Theory and History of Ideas 8 ECTS
Jaana Vuori



Journalism and Mass Communication

TIEIB4E1 Introduction to Theories of Communication
Iiris Ruoho

TIEIB4E2 The Finnish Media and Communication System
Sanna Kivimäki

TIEIB7E1 Media Economy and Policy
Iiris Ruoho

TIEIB7E2 Current Issues in Communication Studies
Sanna Kivimäki

TIEIB8D1 Communication Studies
Iiris Ruoho


Social Work  

SOSTYÖP3 Social exclusion and marginalisation 3 ECTS
Kirsi Juhila

STYÖP5 The Activity Environment of Social Work 5 ECTS
Irmeli Salomaa

STYÖA2A Health and Well-Being 5 ECTS
Arja Jokinen

STYÖA2B Substance Use and Its Consequences 5 ECTS
Pekka Saarnio

STYÖA2C Children and Child Protection 5 ECTS
Tarja Pösö




PSYINT1 Life-span developmental psychology I 5 ECTS
Mikko Peltola  

PSYINT2 Cognitive psychology and neuropsychology I 5 ECTS
Jari Hietanen  

PSYINT3 Psychology of personality I 5 ECTS
Martti Tuomisto 

PSYINT4 Psychological research methods I 5 ECTS
Kalevi Korpela  

PSYINT5 Psychology of health and mental health I 5 ECTS
Martti Tuomisto  


Environmental Policy

Examiners:  Basic studies Nina Tynkkynen, Intermediate studies Yrjö Haila

YMPOEP1 Introduction to Environmental Policy 7 ETCS

YMPOEP2 Environmental Problems and Policy Responces in in Finland 6 ECTS

YMPOEP3 Environmental Problems and Developing Coutnries 6 ECTS

YMPOEP4 Constitution of Environmental Problems,Threats and Policies 6 ECTS

YMPOEP5 Globalization and the Environment 7 ETCS

YMPOEP6 Environmental Economics 7 ECTS

YMPOEP7 Science, Knowledge and Professionalism 7 ECTS

YMPOEP8 Everyday Practices and the Environment 6 ECTS

YMPOEP9 Environmental History 4 ECTS

YMPOEP10 Environmental Philosophy 4 ECTS  


For dates and times, visit:


Social Work

STYÖA2C Social Work with Families and Children SosNet -verkkokurssi 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Teaching in the Autumn Semester 2009

Period (1-Sep-2009 – 16-Oct-2009)

All majors

SLOIB5A Qualitative Research Methods 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIEIB6 Theoretical Approaches in Social Sciences 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
YTYH4 Introduction to Empirical Research Methods/ ISSS 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
KKEN52 INTRODUCTION TO ACADEMIC WRITING 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

International Relations

KVPOA4 Jean Monnet Course on European Integration and Enlargement 3–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ASI3C South Asia and International Relations 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Linguistic Nationalism in Contemporary Europe 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ERS13/KVPOS3 Politics of Putinism 2–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Journalism and Mass Communication

MEJOS3 Management of Media Organisations 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
MEJOS6 The Structure and Economy of Media Industries (lectures) 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIEIGG2C Transnational Media Culture 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Political Science

KVPOA4 Jean Monnet Course on European Integration and Enlargement 3–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
VALTP4/VALTA4 Transformation of European Democracies 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Linguistic Nationalism in Contemporary Europe 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Environmental Policy

YMPOA7/YMPOEP5 On the road to Copenhagen: Climate Change, Development and Gender 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Period (26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009)

All majors

SLOIB5A Qualitative Research Methods 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIEIB6 Theoretical Approaches in Social Sciences 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
YTYH4 Introduction to Empirical Research Methods/ ISSS 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
KKEN52 INTRODUCTION TO ACADEMIC WRITING 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

International Relations

KVPOA4 Jean Monnet Course on European Integration and Enlargement 3–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
ERS4/KVPOS3 The European North: Historical Geopolitics and International Institutional Dynamics 2–3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ERS23/KVPOS3 Russian and East European Studies in International Relations 2–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Journalism and Mass Communication

MEKYA3 Introduction to Comics 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIEIGG2C Transnational Media Culture 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Political Science

KVPOA4 Jean Monnet Course on European Integration and Enlargement 3–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Social Work

STYÖP2 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work (V306-8 in the listing of PIRAMK University of Applied Sciences) 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
STYÖP5 Social Work in Different Social Contexts 3–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Women's Studies

WSB4 Women's Studies Seminar: Sex, Money and Power! How the Economy Shapes Our Understanding of Gender? 8 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Environmental Policy

YMPOA7/YMPOEP5 On the road to Copenhagen: Climate Change, Development and Gender 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Teaching in the Spring Semester 2010

Period (7-Jan-2010 – 5-Mar-2010)

All majors

SLOIB5B Quantitative Research Methods 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIEIB6 Theoretical Approaches in Social Sciences 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TILTY2 Basics of Statistics 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

International Relations

KVPOA4/VALTA5/S Eurasian, European and National Energy Policy 2–6 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ERS23/KVPOS3 Russian and East European Studies in International Relations 2–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Journalism and Mass Communication

MEJOS7 International Communication and Globalization 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Media, Peace and Conflict 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Political Science

VALTA3/VALTS2A Voting Behaviour 3–4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Social Policy

SPOLA3A2 Nordic Welfare Societies in Transition 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
SPOLA3A7/SPOIB8 Perspectives to Global Social Development 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Social Work

STYÖS1B2 Women and International Social Development 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Women's Studies

Period (15-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010)

All majors

SLOIB5B Quantitative Research Methods 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

International Relations

KVPOA4/VALTA5/S Eurasian, European and National Energy Policy 2–6 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Journalism and Mass Communication

MEJOS7 International Communication and Globalization 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIEIB7E2 New Media in Turkey 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIEIB8D1 TV Reality Formats Development in Latvia 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Political Science

VALTA3/VALTS2A Voting Behaviour 3–4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period