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LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 5, 33720 Tampere
P.O. Box 600 FI-33014 Tampere University Finland
Arkkitehtuurin Yksikkö

The School of Architecture at the University of Tampere educates architects and other experts in the field of architecture and conducts scientific and artistic research. The school offers expertise in the field of architecture and actively impacts and participates in meaningful architectural and societal debates. In both education and research, activities focus on urban design and planning, architectural design and sustainable housing, and history of architecture and built heritage.

The architecture school offers an excellent working and studying environment and community for students, teachers and researchers. We work in a progressive, inspiring and equal environment based on cooperation and mutual respect. Flexibility and a friendly participative atmosphere are our unique strengths.

Our mission is to create and protect well-being in human habitats through education, research and collaboration. We take care of the continuity of our built culture and critically re-think material, ecological, social and cultural sustainability, while fostering healthy, accessible, beautiful and authentic architecture.