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Tampere University Student Affairs Office and services for Open University students

Tampere University
Phone+358 294 520 200 Mon - Fri from 12 noon to 14 pm
Service hoursThe customer service on campuses is open on Monday and Thursday from 12 noon to 2 pm.
Exceptions on opening hours: phone service is closed on Wednesday 27 November

At Tampere University’s Student Affairs Office, we give advice on practical study-related matters. We help you with, e.g., the following queries:

  • Study rights
  • Degree students’ registration for the academic year
  • Changes of personal details
  • General study counselling for Open University studies and for starting the studies 

From us, you may also get documents related to your studies:

  • Registration certificate
  • Transcript of records
  • A copy of the degree certificate

Further information on the registration certificate and the transcript of records is available on the Study right and annual enrolment ( page.

You can also contact us if you do not know whom you should contact to get help with your questions. When needed, we will refer you to the right person.


Contact us by email:
%20studentservices.tau [at] (studentservices[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi)
Open University study counselling: %20open.studies.tau [at] (open[dot]studies[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Customer service by phone: 
Open Monday-Friday at 12-14 
0294 520 200 Student Affairs Office
0294 520 881 Open University

Customer service on the Hervanta and city centre campuses: open on Mondays and Thursdays at 12-14:

Student Affairs Office, Hervanta campus
Street address: Korkeakoulunkatu 7, Kampusareena building, floor 2, room A215
Postal address: P.O.Box 1001, FI-33014 Tampereen yliopisto

Student Affairs Office, city centre campus
Street address: Kalevantie 4, Päätalo building, room A 121
Postal address: P.O.Box 607, FI-33014 Tampereen yliopisto


Other contact details:

On the other campuses of Tampere University in Kauppi and Pori and Seinäjoki University Consortiums, you need to book a time for guidance and counselling. Please see their contact details on the Campuses of Tampere University ( page.

If you are a degree student, your faculty and degree programme are your main sources of guidance when you are planning your studies from the start to graduation, such as personal study plan (PSP) issues and enrolling in courses. You will find the contact details of your degree programme on the contact information page.  

If you are an Open University student and have questions about the content of studies, please contact the faculty-level coordinators. You will find their contact details at Open University on the Guidance and counselling services in faculties page.

If you have questions regarding admission to a degree programme, please contact our admissions services.