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About me


I am a Doctoral Researcher at the Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI). My research focuses on designing and developing interactive solutions for emergent and remote users. Currently, I'm working on the KITE Project (Kaupunkiseudun Ihmiskeskeiset Tekoälyratkaisut - a rough translation would be Urban User-Centered Artificial Intelligence​) exploring the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Tampere. I have been involved in the development of AI-based chatbots for small companies as a potential use-case for low-cost adaptation of AI technologies 

My academic research is on designing and developing Voice User Interfaces in Semi-Public Spaces, especially for the elderly population. I'm exploring use-cases and solutions to deploy Voice Assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home in semi-public spaces and study their implications in terms of interaction, user experience, privacy and trust.


Human-Centerd Design, Human Centered Artificial IntelligenceI, Voice Assistants, AI-powered Chatbots