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DeMo - Decarbonizing transport and Mobility through data-driven modal shift

Tampere University
Duration of project1.3.2023–31.10.2025
Area of focusSociety, Technology

DeMo - Decarbonizing transport and Mobility through data-driven modal shift project addreses the challenges of urban transport emission reductions. The research project focuses on solutions that speed up the transition. 

Achieving a mode transition cannot be achieved with current public transport services and the mobility services that support them, as they are not sufficiently attractive alternatives to private driving. The targeted transport mode transition requires a comprehensive perspective and new types of PPP cooperation models for the development of the urban transport system, where interoperable, attractive mobility services that offer an excellent service experience are key, as well as technology solutions that effectively utilize data to support them. 

The central problems of utilizing traffic data are the fragmentation and silo thinking of the operating environment (i.e. the problems of information interoperability and the limited service entities affected by them). Creating services that speed up the transition in transportation modes also requires a new approach to service experience planning, starting from the users' world of experience and the reasons for movement.


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