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About me

My name is Kostas Stefanidis and I am a Professor on Data Science at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC) of the Tampere University in Finland, where I also lead the Data Science Subunit and the Group on Recommender Systems. I have more that 10 years of experience in different roles at ICS-FORTH in Greece, NTNU in Norway and CUHK in Hong Kong. I got my PhD in personalized data management from the Univ. of Ioannina in Greece. My research interests are in the broader area of big data. My work focuses on personalization and recommender systems, entity resolution, data exploration and data analytics, with a special focus recently on socio-technical aspects in data management like fairness and transparency, and published in more than 100 papers in top-tier conferences and journals. I have been involved in several international and national research projects and I am also actively serving the scientific community. Currently, I am the General co-Chair of EDBT/ICDT 2026, ADBIS 2025, TPDL 2025, and ICWE 2024.

Research topics

Recommender Systems / Fairness / Entity Resolution / Data-Driven Software Evolution Analysis / Question Answering over Knowledge Bases