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Marjaana Jones

University Instructor, terveystieteiden laadulliset menetelmät

About me

I currently work as a Postdoctoral research Fellow at the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study. In my research project - Futures of Finnish Maternity Care: Commercial, Political and Experiential Framings - I explore what is fuelling the private maternity service market in a country offering free maternity care; study the potential consequences of ‘going private’ on the legitimacy of public services; and investigate the conflicting ideas around pregnancy and conceptualisations of good care.   

Previous projects:

In the Nu­tri­tion, ex­pert­ise and me­dia project (2021-2022) I explored var ious forms of health related expertise and self care practices.  

In my PhD (2016-2021), I focused on patient and public involvement in Finnish health services. I specifically looked at how people with lived experiences are able to contribute their experiential knowledge and participate in healthcare development and delivery.  

I have also been part of the Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Group since 2016. Within the group, I have studied e.g. peer and psychosocial support, and patient organisations. 

Selected publications

Kork, A.-A., Turja, T., Kurkela, K., Jones, M., & Jäntti, A. (2023) Informaatiolukutaito osallisuuden ja hyvinvoinnin politiikkana. Politiikka, 65(4).  

Holmberg, S., Jones, M., Vihervuori, S., & Harju, E. (2023) Järjestötoimijat ja syöpään sairastuneen psykososiaalinen tuki ja kuntoutus: Vastuut ja rajat erikoissairaanhoidossa. Kuntoutus, 46(2): 21–32.  

Jones, M. & Jallinoja, P. (2022) The appeal of alternative diets – stories of carbohydrate-conscious eaters regarding motives, credibility of dietary advice and the authority of experiences, Food, Culture & Society. doi: 10.1080/15528014.2022.2109909 

Jones, M. & Pietilä, I. (2022) PSA-seulontatulosten merkityksiä ja tulkintoja maallikkonäkökulmasta. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti 59(1): 3-15. doi: 10.23990/sa.102832 

Jones, M. (2021) Patient and public involvement in healthcare: Potentials and challenges of lay expertise and experiential knowledge. PHd thesis.  

Jones, M., Jallinoja, P. & Pietilä, I. (2021) Representing the ‘Voice’ of Patients: How Third Sector Organisations Conceptualise and Communicate Experiential Knowledge in Health Service Development. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 32: 561–572. doi: 10.1007/s11266-020-00296-5 

Jones, M. & Pietilä, I. (2020) Personal perspectives on patient and public involvement – stories about becoming and being an expert by experience. Sociology of Health & Illness 42: 809-824. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13064 

Jones, M. & Pietilä I. (2019) Potilas keskiössä? – tapaustutkimus osallistavien tilojen luomisesta erikoissairaanhoidon potilasfoorumissa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 8(5-6): 583-591.

List of all publications can be found here: ORCHID 

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