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About me

I have a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a master’s degree in Business Administration both from Sharif University of Technology in Iran. After studying in academia, I decided to move to management consulting. For nearly four years, I worked for several commercial and non-profit organizations. Then, I returned to academia to pursue a research career. I completed my PhD program at the Università della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano) in Switzerland. Then, I visited Hanken School of Economics (HUMLOG institute) by a postdoc.moblity fellowship granted by Swiss National Science Foundation. In 2017, I joined Tampere University of Technology, and currently, I am an Academy of Finland Research Fellow, and Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Tampere University.

Research fields

My teaching and research interests relate to supply chain management and public policy, sustainable supply chain, and higher education.I have a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a master’s degree in Business Administration both from Sharif University of Technology in Iran. After studying in academia, I decided to move to management consulting. For nearly four years, I worked for several commercial and non-profit organizations. Then, I returned to academia to pursue a research career. I completed my PhD program at the Università della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano; Humanitarian Operations Research Center) in Switzerland. Then, I visited Hanken School of Economics (HUMLOG institute) by a postdoc.moblity fellowship granted by Swiss National Science Foundation. In 2017, I joined Tampere University as a faculty member. 

My teaching and research interests relate to supply chain management and public policy, sustainable supply chain, and higher education supply chain. 

Selected publications

Moshtari, M., & Safarpour, A. (2023). Challenges and strategies for the internationalization of higher education in low-income East African countries. Higher Education, 1-21.

Ghavamifar, A., Torabi, S. A., & Moshtari, M. (2022). A hybrid relief procurement contract for humanitarian logistics. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 167, 102916.

Moshtari, M., & Vanpoucke, E. (2021). Building Successful NGO‐Business Relationships: A Social Capital Perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management. 

Moshtari, M., Altay, N., Heikkilä, J., & Gonçalves, P. (2021). Procurement in humanitarian organizations: Body of knowledge and practitioner's challenges. International Journal of Production Economics, 233, 108017.

Kovacs, G.,& Moshtari, M. (2019). A roadmap for higher research quality in humanitarian operations: A methodological perspective. European Journal of Operational Research, 276(2), 395-408. 

Moshtari, M., & Gonçalves, P. (2017). Factors influencing interorganizational collaboration within a disaster relief context. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28(4), 1673–1694. 

Moshtari, M. (2016). Inter‐organizational fit, relationship management capability, and collaborative performance within a humanitarian setting. Production and Operations Management, 25(9), 1542–1557.