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About me

I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the Tampere University, Faculty of Management and Business since June 2022. My stay at the university, financed by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland (‘Just Recovery from Covid-19? Fundamental Rights, Legitimate Governance and Lessons Learnt (JuRe)’ project), is hosted by Professor Jukka Viljanen and Dr. Anu Mutanen. 


Within the framework of the ‘JuRe’ project, I study if and how the United Nations, European Union and the Council of Europe post-COVID laws and policies influence(-d) Finnish Constitutional Law.

Fields of expertise

EU Law, European Human Rights Law, EU Administrative Law, Comparative Constitutional Law

Top achievements

21/06/2018 - PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Law, Curriculum ‘Human Rights Protection in Transnational and Comparative Law’, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, DIRPOLIS Institute

5/06/2014 - Degree of a ‘Master in European Law’, Stockholm University, Faculty of Law

01/12/2019 – 30/11/2021 - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers, Universität Konstanz, Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht mit internationaler Ausrichtung

04/11/2014 – 21/06/2018 - PhD Fellowship (borsa di dottorato di ricerca) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna 

1/09/2013 – 5/06/2014 - Swedish Institute scholarship for Master’s level studies 

Selected publications

Daminova Nasiya, ‘Case C-564/19, IS: the CJEU as a guarantor of the Judicial independence in the European Union?’ (journal article) [2022] 10 Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law (forthcoming);

Daminova Nasiya, ‘The CJEU faced with ´Presumption of Innocence´ Directive 2016/343: Reshaping the ECHR Standards?’ (journal article) [2022] European Yearbook on Human Rights (forthcoming);

Daminova Nasiya, ‘The ECHR preamble vs. the European Arrest Warrant: balancing the Human Rights protection and the principle of mutual trust in EU Criminal Law?’ (journal article) [2022] 49(2) Review of European and Comparative Law, 97–131;

Daminova Nasiya, ‘The European Court of Human Rights on the ‘Access to a Lawyer’ Directive 2013/48/EU: the Quest for a Coherent Application of the Right to a Legal Assistance in Europe?’ (journal article) [2021] 11(2) European Criminal Law Review, 211-241;

Daminova Nasiya, ‘Rule of Law vs. Poland and Hungary – an Inconsistent Approach?’ (journal article) [2021] 60(3) Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 236-259;

Daminova Nasiya, ‘The ‘Due Process’ Rights as a Part of the EU’s Acquis Communautaire: a Challenge for the EU (Potential) Candidate States?’ (journal article) [2018] 21(1) Austrian Review of International and European Law, 101-129;

Daminova Nasiya, ‘The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as a factor affecting the ‘European consensus’ notion: the example of ‘due process’ rights’ (journal article) [2017] 4 European Studies: the Review of European Law, Economics and Politics, 28-55;

Daminova Nasiya, ‘Access to Justice’ and the Development of the Van Gend en Loos Doctrine: the Role of Courts and of the Individual in EU Law´ (journal article) [2017] Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 133–153.