“Accessibility in the digital society” is a unique entity both on a Finnish and global scale. The study module deals with accessibility from several different perspectives and focuses comprehensively on several different areas.
During the event, in addition to the presentation of the education, the following speakers will reflect on the importance of accessibility and our education:”
- Mari Walls – Tampere University President
- Hanna Gorschelnik – Kieliasiantuntijat ry
- Mark Häkkinen – Director of Digital Accessibility, PhD, ETS
The event is organised by TACCU – Tampere Accessibility Unit, which is a multidisciplinary unit conducting accessibility-related research and education at the Tampere Universities.
Contact person
Markku Turunen
Professor, vuorovaikutteinen teknologiaMore about the Accessibility in Digital Society study module
The program consists of several independently conducted online courses. You can choose the accessibility topics that suit you from the online courses and register for them by selecting them from the registration form. You can complete the courses in the order that suits you.