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Tampere University
Date16.5.2022 12.00–17.5.2022 13.00 (UTC+3)
Registration deadline: 5.5.2022,23.55 (UTC+3)
LanguageFinnish, English
Entrance feeFree of charge
Ageing City -seminaarin mainos.
Increasing life expectancy means that a long life is becoming reality for an increasing number of people. A parallel development to longevity is our increasing tendency to live, gather, and work in urban environments. How can we create a sustainable age friendly city? Tampere university’s research community STUE – Sustainable Transformation of Urban Environments invites you to discuss and develop solutions and visions.

Longevity has two-fold implications for urban development. First, cities need to accommodate their structures, and housing, transport, and service systems to an increasing share of older adults that reside, work, consume, and move about in an urban environment. Second, cities need to cater for the long lives that individuals live in the urban environment, and ensure, that the structures flexibly respond to the changing needs and preferences across the life course. 

AGEING CITY seminar circles these topical questions. The seminar consists of two half-day long parts. The first seminar day will be held in Finnish and second in English. You are welcome to participate either the whole seminar or just one day. The seminar is free of charge. Both seminar days will be arranged F2F in G Livelab Tampere (Puutarhakatu 1, 33100 Tampere) 

Sing up here by 5.5.2022 


 On Monday May 16th  at 12-16.30 the focus is on developing visions for sustainable aging city as a joined effort of stakeholders, developers, service providers and researchers. This part of the seminar will be held in Finnish. Programme: 

12.00 Joined lunch 
13.00 Opening words, Anu Siren 
13.10 Inspiring talks 

  • Ikäystävällinen kaupunki: konseptista toteutukseen? 
    Päivi Moisio, Sointu senioripalvelut, kehittämispäällikkö 
  • Yhteiskehittämällä parempaa kaupunkia ikäihmisille 
    Ville Santala, UrbanAge/Forum Virium, projektipäällikkö
  • Seniorikaupunkilaisen näkökulmia kaupunkikehitykseen 
    Olli-Pekka Sorma, As. Oy Tampereen Frans Emil, hallituksen puheenjohtaja  

14.15 Coffee break 
14.30 Workshop  
16.30 The end of the first seminar day 

On Tuesday May 17th at 9-13.00 we will focus on discussing and developing new research to support sustainable aging city. This half day seminar will be held in English. Programme: 

9.00 Morning coffee 
9.20 Opening words, Anu Siren 
9.30 Inspiring talks 

  • Sofie Pelsmakers (architecture) 
  • Steve O’Hern (transportation) 
  • Outi Jolanki (ageing and inclusion) 

10.15 Workshop  
12.30 Joined lunch 

Further information

Research Coordinator Alisa Vänttinen,