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AI Morning

Tampere Universities
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere
Korkeakoulunkatu 7,33720 TampereTampereen yliopisto, Kampusklubi, Kampusareena, 5th floor.
Date1.11.2019 9.00–12.00 (UTC+2)
Entrance feeFree of charge
AI Morning is a public discussion event, where experts of different fields gather to talk about artificial intelligence. The theme of this session is artificial intelligence and ethics. Welcome!

One of the organizers of the event is Interreg Europe MARIE -project ("MAinstreaming Responsible Innovation in European S3"), which aims to spread ethical and responsible practices through the field of innovation and research. Sign up here !




Further information

Kampusklubi, Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy Jaana Hanninen +358 400 414 117,