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Bye bye Tampere! - an information session for autumn semester 2023 exchange students (Hervanta campus)

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere
Hervanta campus, Tietotalo building, room TB103
Date21.11.2023 12.00–14.00
What you need to take care of before you leave Tampere University?

The International Mobility Services will organise an information session for autumn semester exchange students of all campuses to ensure that everything runs smoothly at the end of your exchange studies.

More details has been sent by email to all spring semester exchange students. For complete checklist of things to do before departure, please read through the Information for exchange students leaving Tampere section.


International Mobility Services

Target audience

Tampere University's exchange students of the autumn semester 2023

Further information

International Mobility Services,