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Community Music Activity Pre-Conference / CMA ISME

Tampere University
LocationÅkerlundinkatu 5, 33014 Tampereen yliopisto
Date22.7.2024 21.00–26.7.2024 20.45
Registration deadline: 31.10.2023,22.00
Entrance feeFree of charge
Sustainability in Community Music Practice from the Dimensions of Human Wellbeing
We are living in urgent times - at an international, national and local level, people are navigating new or continued threats to their personal, social and environmental well-being. How might our Community Music practices and research reflect this urgency? This year we focus on sustainability and accountability within community practice, with consideration towards personal, social, and environmental factors. ​

At CMA 2024 we would like to explore the personal, social, environmental, and spiritual aspects of the following:


    Sustainability - Amid swift and regular changes in our world, How do current practices within community music reflect sustainability? Are there ways in which we should adapt current practices to the changing world to be more sustainable? How can we relate specifically to the “ecological sustainability” stated in UNESCO’s vision for sustainable education? 


How can we reach further? Are community musicians fully trained to tackle these changes? What kind of support might be needed?


    Health & Wellbeing - How can we sustainably maintain a community practice with the well-being of facilitators, musicians, and community at the basis? How can opportunities (for health, wellbeing, belonging and equity) be facilitated?

    Accountability- how do we hold ourselves and each other accountable in Community Music? Who are we accountable to? What are the ethical quandaries we encounter in our practice and research and how are we navigating them?

    Inclusivity - we make claims of inclusive practice, but Yerichuk and Krar (2019) explain, inclusivity is an action. What actions are we taking as a field to do the work of inclusivity? How can we improve? What could sustainable inclusivity look like? Examples of best practice? And honest reflections of mistakes made?


International Society for Music Education ISME / Community Music Activity Commission & Tampere University

Further information

Kaarina Marjanen (