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Cross-disciplinary Collaboration in Education for a Better Future: Cross–national Perspectives

LocationEdu's Café, Virta Building, Address: Åkerlundinkatu 5
Date29.4.2019 10.00–12.00 (UTC+3)
Entrance feeFree of charge
Open Discussion in Faculty of Education and Culture

Education is one of the most self-sufficient – though eclectic - and nationalist disciplines and practices. Despite exploitation of findings from other disciplines, growing attention to multi-cultural pedagogies or transnational research projects, the constructed targets and frameworks are national. However, reactions to planetary crises – such as environmental degradation, economic and social inequalities and forced migration –, require conceptualizations and action both cross national and cross disciplinary and professional borders.

In this event, we invite participants to discuss, if and how cross-national and cross-disciplinary perspective in research and practice could promote education for a better future. As a concrete example, we focus on current “refugee crisis”, and how it is encountered in Finland and Iraq Kurdistan – or more generally in Europe and the Middle East. Our guest researchers from the University of Duhok will provide introductions about how social, economic, environmental and political problems intertwine with education. While they come from sociology and political science (peace and human rights studies), we can share the challenges in developing collaboration cross faculties, studies and research inside the Academy as well as in collaboration with non-university actors. Through the discussion we hope to encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-national interaction between researchers, in order to break down stereotypical closures and to enrich mutual creativity and understanding.

Visiting scholars from University of Duhok, Iraq Kurdistan:
Lecturer, Dr. Maamoon Abdulsamad, College of Humanities, Peace and Conflict Resolution Centre
Lecturer, Mph. Samya Saeed, College of Humanities, Sociology

For further information, please contact: Golaleh.makrooni [at]


Faculty of Education and Culture, EquJust-research group