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Guest lecture: Stephen Billett "Learning across work-life"

Tampere University
LocationTampereen yliopisto, Kalevantie 4,
Keskustakampus, Päätalo, sali D13
Date15.11.2022 10.00–11.00
Registration deadline: 14.11.2022,7.00
Entrance feeFree of charge
Tampereen yliopiston keskustakampuksen päärakennus
Alongside digitalisation, global crises such as pandemic, war in Ukraine, climate crisis have created new perceptions about which occupational sectors will face skills shortages in the future, which occupational sectors each country should retain, where it makes sense to work and how the content of work will change in the future. All these changing factors challenge employees to continuously update their skills.

Professor Stephen Billett's lecture on Learning in working life, organised by the Faculty of Education and Culture, offers one perspective on this topical issue. In his lecture, he will discuss how working-age adults can meet the short- and long-term challenges of work by setting themselves learning goals and engaging in learning processes that produce learning experiences.

Kuva Stephen Billettistä

Professor Billet (Griffith University, Australia) is internationally renowned workplace learning researcher. He visits Tampere University as part of the Faculty of Education and Culture Visiting Senior Fellow program.

Coffee/tea will be served after the lecture. Please fill in the registration form, so we know to reserve the right amount of catering, thank you!



Kasvatustieteiden ja kulttuurin tiedekunta, Ammatillinen kasvu ja oppiminen -tutkimusryhmä

Further information

Professori Petri Nokelainen,