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How to Pitch your research (and yourself)

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 6, Tampere
Hervanta Campus, Konetalo, room K1241
Date8.3.2019 10.00–11.00 (UTC+2)
Entrance feeFree of charge
Morning coffees for doctoral researchers - Spring 2019

Has this ever happened to you: you go to a conference, take a coffee break, and suddenly you are standing next to a senior professor who asks you: ‘so what is your research about?’ …and you have no idea what to say!
Career coach for PhD researchers Mariska Roelofs will talk to you about pitching and how to survive these situations, so that next time, you can feel confident and have a story ready.

Morning Coffees are
•    Monthly meetings at 10-11 a.m. on Fridays in an informal atmosphere
•    Discussions about key issues shared by all doctoral researchers
•    Information about topics and skills related to doctoral research
•    Each Morning Coffee event has own topic and a guest speaker  
•    Organised by the Doctoral School, Tampere University
•    Place: Alternating between different campuses: Center/ Hervanta/ Kauppi
•    More info: virve.kallioniemi-chambers [at] (Virve Kallioniemi-Chambers), 050 318 6754


Participants are asked to sign in a few days before each event mainly for the catering purposes.

The Morning Coffee Series in Spring 2019  

Topic to be announced
Friday, the 5th of April, 10.00-11 a.m.
Kauppi Campus, Arvo building, room F213
Details later

Sustainable development as a principle to do researcher’s work at the Tampere University
Friday, the 7th of May, at 10.00-11 a.m.
City Center Campus
Details later