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Ignorance and Transparency in the Era of Socio-digital Disruption

LocationLecture room Pinni A1081 (attendance via Zoom is possible as well)
Date12.11.2020 11.00–15.30
Registration deadline: 10.11.2020,22.00
Entrance feeFree of charge
The interdisciplinary workshop addresses various aspects of expertise, professions and institutional knowledge related to issues of non-knowledge, ignorance and disinformation.

The Neoliberal economic regime and market-based knowledge production, combined with digitalization and the rise of social media have shaken the former authority of institutional knowledge and expertise in various professions. One of the epistemological paradoxes related to data driven societies is that knowledge and non-knowing as well as information and disinformation increase in equal amounts. For instance, algorithms and machine learning make people and democratic public discussion vulnerable to various filter bubbles in social media and automated inequality created by the predictive analytics of automated decision-making. 



Organizers at Tampere University Jaana Parviainen, Anne Koski and Pia Vuolanto, NEGATE research project

Further information, +358 50 4106764 (for media & further information) (for getting a zoom link and informing seminar attendance)