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The Leadership for Change (LFC) Lecture by Timo Ritakallio

LocationKanslerinrinne 1, Tampere
PINNI B1097 auditorium, PINNI B Building
Date12.4.2019 13.00–15.00 (UTC+3)
Entrance feeFree of charge
An open lecture by Timo Ritakallio, President and Group Executive Chairman at OP Financial Group

Timo Ritakallio has worked as President and Group Executive Chairman at OP Financial Group from 1st March 2018. Before that he worked at Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company as President and Chief Executive Officer since 2015 and as Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer between 2008-2015. Previously Timo Ritakallio has worked for 20 years in various top management positions in the banking industry. His LFC Lecture is titled ‘Strategic Leadership – the case of OP Group’.
Timo Ritakallio has taken Master’s degree in law (LL.M.) in the University of Turku in 1985, Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki in 2001 and AMP (Advanced Management Program) in Harvard Business School, Boston, USA in 2006. In 2016 he left Aalto University with a degree of Doctor of Science (Technology).
For more information, please contact:
Students, Master's Degree in Leadership for Change:
Fatema Tuz Zohra Aney, Esa-Matti Kyllönen, Elina Siivari, Sami Kallio, Juuso Kääriäinen, Eliisa Nissi, Oskar Nurmio
Student coordinator: Julia Bethwaite