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Nordic Drone Event 2020

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
LocationItäinen katu 4, 33210 Tampere
Finnkino Plevna
Date27.1.2020 8.00–28.1.2020 16.00 (UTC+2)
Entrance feeHas entrance fee
The Nordic Drone Event 2020 gathers participants worldwide to Tampere, Finland on 27–28 January 2020 to accelerate use of drones and electrical aircraft in order to protect the environment and to improve worksite efficiency and productivity. We invite you to Tampere to join the 2nd Nordic Drone Event! The event is organised by Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).

More information about the event updated to the webpage.




TAMK, Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Further information

Antti Perttula, Ursula Helsky-Lehtola,