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OASIS Lunch Time Talks: Sense of place in videogames: case Red Dead Redemption 2

Tampere University
LocationKanslerinrinne 1, Tampere
Pinni B building OASIS, 2nd floor
Date11.4.2019 12.00–13.00 (UTC+3)
Entrance feeFree of charge
CoE in Game Culture Studies presents a series of OASIS Lunch Time Talks. This month’s second speaker is Jussi Holopainen (Games Computing, University of Lincoln). The title of the talk is "Sense of place in videogames - case Red Dead Redemption 2".

The talk is based on work with Andrew Westerside (School of Fine and Performance Arts, University of Lincoln). The talk will be streamed.

In Video Game Spaces (2009), Michael Nitsche proposes three indicators of ‘placeness’ in video games: identity, self-motivated and self-organised action, and traces of memory. In this talk we articulate the ideas (and analyse the experiences) of placeness and sitedness in Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) through an analytical conversation between performance studies and games research. At this intersection of game research and performance research, we propose the term gameplace as a means of articulating the affective relationship between place, experience and play.

This event is free and open to all, welcome!

Other dates of the series