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Seminar "Urban Visions and Divisions in the 20th century"

Tampere University
LocationTampere University, Pinni B Building, B3118, Tampere
Date15.10.2019 10.15–14.30 (UTC+3)
Entrance feeFree of charge
Professor Christoph Bernhardt from the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (Erkner/Berlin) will visit Tampere University in mid-October. He has published extensively on the social and environmental history of European cities, and his most recent project deals with socio-spatial disparities in cities in West and East Germany. Christoph Bernhard will give an open lecture in the seminar "Urban Visions and Divisions n the 20th century" on Tuesday, 15 October.


Urban Visions and Divisions in the 20th century

Tuesday 15 October, Tampere University, Pinni B Building, B3118



Opening: Marjaana Niemi (Tampere University)

Christoph Bernhardt (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Erkner/Berlin), Socio-spatial disparities in Western and socialist cities, 1945–1989

Laura Kolbe (University of Helsinki). Bridging East and West in Kiev 1978 and Tampere 1981: the Golden Age of Finnish-Soviet Twin City Conferences


12.00 Lunch 

13.15 – 14.30

Chair: Marjatta Hietala (Tampere University)

Tanja Vahtikari (Tampere University),(Re)producing the nation through exploring the city: urban pedagogy and children’s lived experiences in postwar Helsinki 

Matti O. Hannikainen (University of Helsinki), Visions of growth – an overview of the spatial policies of Finnish towns 1920–1980




The Seminar is organised by the project Experts, Communities and the Negotiation of the Experience of Modernity (Kone Foundation)

Further information

Marjaana Niemi <>