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Support foundations’ dissertation prizes awarded to 32 researchers

Published on 2.10.2024
Tampere University
Photo: Jonne Renvall / Tampereen yliopisto
Tampere University Foundation and the Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology have granted dissertation prizes to researchers whose dissertations received the grade ‘approved with distinction’ in 2023. The prize is €1,500 and it was awarded to 32 researchers.

The support foundations awarded the doctoral researchers in an event organised in Tampere on 1 October. The event was arranged at Tampere City Hall now for the first time. 

The City of Tampere’s Research Grant Committee also awarded three dissertation authors at the event. Those prizes were received by PhD Paula Rauhala, DSc Markus Hiekkamäki and PhD Julia Fadjukov.

Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology’s dissertation prizes 

Each prize is €1,500.

Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences

Ihtisham Ali, DSc, signal processing and machine learning
Methods, Models, and Datasets for Visual Servoing and Vehicle Localisation

Nachiket Ayir, DSc, electronics and communication engineering
RF Wireless Power and Data Transfer: Experiment-driven Analysis and Waveform Design

Laura Goncalves Ribeiro, DSc, signal processing and machine learning
Target Tracking Using Optical Markers for Remote Handling in ITER

Mike Koivisto, DSc, computing and electrical engineering
DoA and ToA Estimation, Device Positioning and Network Synchronization in 5G New Radio: Algorithms and Performance Analysis

Niloofar Okati, DSc, wireless communications
Modeling and Analysis of Massive Low Earth Orbit Communication Networks

Darwin Quezada Gaibor, DSc, dynamic wearable applications with privacy constraints
Cloud-based Indoor Positioning Platform for Context-adaptivity in GNSS-denied Scenarios

Salwa Saafi, DSc, dynamic wearable applications with privacy constraints
Access and Backhaul Solutions for Cellular-Enabled Industrial Wearables

Roosa-Maria Sallinen, DSc, computing and electrical engineering
Broadband Methods in Dynamic Analysis and Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems

Vladimir Iashin, DSc, computing and electrical engineering
Multi-modal Video Content Understanding 

Faculty of Built Environment

Iida Kalakoski, DSc, architecture and community planning
Too Much to Handle: Architectural conservation in the widening scope of heritage

Martina Pressacco, DSc, structural mechanics
Numerical Study on the Weakening Effects of Thermal Pretreatments Application on Granite

Faculty of Management and Business

Matias Ståhle, DSc, industrial engineering
Integration of Customer-Facing Actors in Project Marketing

Laura Valtonen, DSc, industrial engineering
Rationality in Artificial Intelligence Decision-making

Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology

Anne Skogberg, PhD, biomedical technology
Cellulose Nanofibers and their Assembly for Biomedical and Materials Sciences: Focus on Charged Cellulose Nanofibers

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

David Fassbender, DSc, mobile hydraulics and electrification
Towards Energy-Efficient Electrified Mobile Hydraulics: Considering Varying Application Conditions

Joe David, DSc, mechanical and production engineering 
A Design Science Research Approach to Architecting and Developing Information Systems for Collaborative Manufacturing: A Case for Human-Robot Collaboration

João Vale, DSc, chemistry
Photochemical Reactions of Acylsilanes Towards the Construction of Carbon-Carbon Bonds

Kim Kuntze, DSc, chemistry
Strategies for Red-Light Photoswitching

Lauri Salmela, DSc, physics
Application of Machine Learning to Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Fibers


University of Tampere Foundation’s dissertation prizes 

Each prize is €1,500.

Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences

Maria Stratigi, DSc, computer science
Group Recommendations with Responsibility Constraints

Laura Eilola, PhD, language studies
Aikuisten luku- ja kirjoitustaitoon tukea tarvitsevien suomenopiskelijoiden vuorovaikutuskompetenssi ja sen kehittyminen luokkahuoneen ja arjen vuorovaikutustilanteissa (The language of the dissertation is Finnish.)

Faculty of Management and Business

Erkki-Jussi Nylén, Dsc (Admin.), administrative sciences, business studies and politics
Theorizing Ideological Steering: The journey of the circular economy

Faculty of Social Sciences

Anton Barchuk, PhD, epidemiology
Measuring the Burden of Cancer in Russia

Taru Lehtokunnas, DSocSci, sociology
Enacting a Circular Economy: A multi-sited ethnography on food waste practices in Finnish households, supermarkets and biogas plants

Anu Linnansaari, PhD, public health
Implementing Preventive Tobacco Policies: The role of contextual factors in policy implementation at school and national levels

Heikki Mikkonen, PhD, history
National Wealth and Income in the Land of the Poor: A Conceptual History of Economic Growth in Finland from the Late 19th Century until the Second World War

Tiina Mäkelä, PsyD, psychology
Signaled Night Awakening in Infancy: Associations with psychomotor development, executive functioning, social information processing, and socio-emotional behavior

Niina-Maria Nissinen, PhD, public health
Secondary Disabilities in Finnish Youth with Prenatal Substance Exposure: A longitudinal register-based cohort study on secondary education, financial difficulties and mood and neurotic disorders in youth with prenatal substance exposure

Visa Pitkänen, PhD, health economics
Competition and Public Procurements in Health Services

Faculty of Education and Culture

Suvi Skarp, DeD, educational science
Kiusaamisen kaikuja: Kerronnallinen pitkittäistutkimus elämästä koulukiusaamiskokemuksen jälkeen (The language of the dissertation is Finnish.)

Satia Zen, PhD, educational science
Dynamics of Teacher Identity Construction: Indonesian Teachers in Finnish International Teacher Programme

Antti Koskinen, DeD, educational science
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning with Adaptive Instructional Support


The Industrial Research Fund at Tampere University of Technology was established by Tampere Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its member companies in 1987. Its mission is to support research and other activities undertaken at Tampere University in the fields of engineering.The Fund fulfils its mission by giving out grants and scholarships to support research in technology-based disciplines at Tampere University. The Fund awards approximately one million euros on an annual basis to support research at the university.

The University of Tampere Foundation  was established in 1973. The purpose of the foundation  is to support education and research conducted at Tampere University in the fields of social sciences, health sciences, the arts and natural sciences as well as in social research, management and business, educational science, and the arts.