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Techbites: Dark side of technology

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere
Tampere University, Hervanta Campus, Kampusareena 1st floor
Date30.10.2019 8.15–11.00 (UTC+2)
Registration deadline: 28.10.2019,0.00 (UTC+2)
Entrance feeFree of charge
Grab your TechBites and beware of thefuture technology and its applications! Or do you have to be alarmed and worried after all?

Join discussions and build contacts with key people from companies, organizations and research teams. Event is organised by Tampere University.

Who’s it for?

Private businesses, organizations and decision makers. Anyone who
develops and uses new technology and wonders, whether it is a threat or possibility for business, society and mankind.

How does it all happen?

Register online by 28 October 2019

Further information