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Signal processing resaerch group.

Open positions at Tampere University

Our policy is to publish all our open positions in Finnish, and those positions that do not require Finnish, also in English. On this page, you can find the currently available positions that are published in English. If you also wish to see the positions that require Finnish language, and are thus published in Finnish only, please check the Finnish version of this page (change the language into Finnish by clicking "Suomeksi" on the upper right corner). NB! Unfortunately, we cannot take into account so called open applications or late applications. All applications need to be sent to us before the application deadline. Please see more instructions on how to leave an application at the bottom of this page. See each job posting for contact details and application instructions. If you face technical problems in our recruiting system, please contact us at

Doctoral Researcher (Factory Automation, Robotics and AI) / Väitöskirjatutkija (tehdasautomaatio, robotiikka ja tekoaäly)

Application period ends: 2025-01-02 23:59 Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering

Postdoctoral Researcher in health data science / Tutkijatohtori (Terveyden datatiede)

Application period ends: 2024-12-30 23:59 Faculty of Social Sciences Health Sciences

Doctoral Researcher (electrochemistry, resource recovery, wastewater) / Väitöskirjatutkija (sähkökemia, resurssien talteenotto, jätevesi)

Application period ends: 2024-12-19 23:59 Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Materials Science and Environmental Engineering

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Speculative Design / Design Fiction) / Tutkijatohtori (Spekulatiivinen suunnittelu / Design-fiktio)

Application period ends: 2025-01-08 23:59 Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences Language Studies

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Computational physics) / Tutkijatohtori (Laskennallinen fysiikka)

Application period ends: 2024-12-17 23:59 Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Physics
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