About me
Office room: Pinni B4133
Phone: 045-2056 109 (mobile), 050-318 6122 (office)
E-mail: tommi.vehkavaara [at] tuni.fi (tommi[dot]vehkavaara[at]tuni[dot]fi) or tvehkavaara [at] gmail.com (tvehkavaara[at]gmail[dot]com)
Homepage at Academia.edu (with the links to some papers)
Older homepage (mainly a collection of links)
Research interests
Biosemiotics; Cognitive semiotics; Semiotic naturalism; C.S. Peirce's philosophy (categories, logical semiotic, pragmaticism, and realism); Mark Bickhard's interactivism; Logic (as a philosophical normative science); Critique of metaphysical theorizing
Present research
"Mental models of life" (representations or sign-action and self-normativity in living systems - what would be the appropriate semiotic concepts for a biosemiotic theory)
Other (or past) interests
Philosophy of biology; Evolutionary epistemology; Natural classification(s) of Sciences; Classical pragmatism; Systems theory and cybernetics: autopoiesis, control systems, complexity, emergence and self-organization; Constructivism; Semiology and deconstruction (Saussure and Derrida); Relation of formal and real systems; Societal legitimation of scientific research; Relation of knowledge and power, Mathematical logic
Part-time teacher, Coordinator
Finnish doctoral training network in philosophy
Tieteen termipankki (philosophy, semiotics)