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About me

I work as senior research fellow at Tampere University Research Centre for Communication Sciences, Taru (previously research centre COMET). My research concerns challenges of public discourse and journalism in the digital media environment. I am especially interested in questions of freedom of expression, hate speech and online harassment, plurality and dialogue, and human rights/prevention of violence in public discourse.


Research projects

I currently work in several research projects.

  • Everyday Affective Practices Online: Producing, Experiencing and Managing Hate Speech in the Digital Era (HAFFECT), 2021-25, TAU & JYU, Academy of Finland 
  • The democratic epistemic capacities in the age of algorithms (DECA), 2022-2025, TAU, HY, UIF, Aalto & Nuorisotutkimusseura, Academy of Finland/STN Shield
  • Journalistien häirintä ja sen vaikutukset - Harassment of journalists and its effects, 2022-2024, TAU, Jokes Foundation

I am also affiliated with the following projects:

  • Communication rights in the age of digital disruption (CorDi), 2019-2022, TAU & HY, Academy of Finland, MediaSoc Programme,
  • Counterspeech, 2021-2024, JYU, Kone Foundation
  • Worlds of Journalism Study Finland, 2021-2024, JYU, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, 

Fields of expertise

  • Public discourse in digital media environment
  • Freedom of expression and communication rights
  • Hate speech, online hate and harassment
  • Self-regulation and policies in journalism and on digital platforms
  • Migration in the media
  • Safety of journalists
  • Ethics and practices of journalism

Top achievements

Previously in 2018-21 I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University of Jyväskylä (JYU). In 2006-2014 and 2016-2018, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher and doctoral researcher at COMET, University of Tampere (UTA). In 2014-2016, I worked as a research fellow and expert at the Freedom of Expression Section at UNESCO, Paris. I have been an expert member of national ministry-lead working groups concerning hate speech and possible solutions.

My previous projects:

  • Vihan verkot / Networks of hate, 2021-2022, JYU/TAU/Police Academy, Government-funded research activities,;;
  • Post-doctoral research project: Challenges and solutions for free, plural and non-violent public discourse, 2018-2021, JYU
  • Viha vallassa: Päätöksentekoon vaikuttamaan pyrkivä vihapuhe - Hate in power: Hate speech targeting political decision making, 2019, University of Jyväskylä and Open Knowledge Finland, Government-funded research activities,
  • Racisms and public communications in the hybrid media environment HYBRA, 2016-2018, UTA, Academy of Finland,
  • Tieto ja tunteet pakolaiskeskustelussa: Tutkimus vuonna 2015 käynnistyneen pakolaiskriisin mediajulkisuudesta - Facts and affect in refugee debate, 2016-2018, UTA, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, 
  • Academic Research Fellow, UNESCO, Paris, Journalism Safety Indicators Projects, 2014-2016, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation,;
  • Worlds of Journalism Study – Finland, 2013-2014, UTA, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation;;
  • Aggressiivinen keskustelu sananvapautta kaventamassa - Aggressive discussion limiting freedom of speech, 2012-2013, UTA, Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, 
  • Väitöskirjahanke / Dissertation project: Immigration and ethnic diversity in Finnish and Dutch magazines, 2006-2014, University of Tampere, Academy of Finland, Kone Foundation
  • Migration and media; Racism and ethnic discrimination in media; Monimos, 2006-2011, University of Tampere, funders Ministy of Education; Sanoma Foundation; Academy of Finland. 

Main positions of trust

I am a board member of the board of The Finnish Foundation for Media and Development, Vikes since 2017. I was the vice-president of the board in 2020-2022 and the president in 2023.

Selected publications

Please see for recent publications and research activities: