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Medical regulatory words: compliance, standards, policies and regulations

Regulatory training on health and medical technology

Health and medical technology products like medical devices are tightly regulated and controlled by the authorities. Up-to-date information on regulations, requirements and industry practices are the keys to successful product development and product commercialization. Our courses and tailored training offer you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and grow as an expert in health and medical technology. Welcome to training!


Our courses give you a broad and up-to-date knowledge of regulations, requirements, and practices. You can complete your studies flexibly while working, and you can do the course assignments in connection with your own work. You can participate in the training on site in Tampere or remotely. 

The courses are

The courses are organized annually. You can join to the next implementation if the course you want to participate is not available for application at the moment.

Target group

Courses are targeted for those who are working or willing to work in health technology companies in different roles in R&D, quality and regulation, production, marketing and sales and management. Courses give essential knowledge also for health technology start-ups and anyone who wants to expand his or her knowledge about requirements, regulations, and practices when developing and commercializing health technology products for global markets. 

Person responsible for regulatory compliance

For those who would like to have a competence to be “Person responsible for regulatory compliance” these courses offer a formal additional education when you already have a university degree in law, medicine, pharmacy, engineering or another relevant scientific discipline or 4 years of professional experience in regulatory affairs or in quality management systems on medical devices.

Tailored trainings for organisations

Do you need training for your own group and according to the company's needs?

In the customized option, the training content, themes and teaching methods are planned together with you and according to your needs. This is an excellent option when you want to focus on a specific issue, work on a specific case under guidance, or familiarize the personnel with the regulations, requirements and practices of the industry.

We will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities.

Just contact us!

Feedback and experiences from the programme

Regulatory training is necessary already at the R&D stage

PhD Mikael Turunen works at Algoa Progress which develops software for modelling the progression of osteoarthritis: “Although we are not manufacturing an actual device, our software counts as one. Everything that affects the treatment of patients falls within the scope of medical device regulations. It was important to bring regulatory expertise on board at this point."

Saara Hassinen, CEO of Healthtech Finland

“As for the implementation of the regulations, there are concerns over the availability of the required skills. After the regulations take effect, manufacturing companies will have to appoint someone to oversee compliance, and this person will also have significant responsibilities relating to quality management.”