Staff and students of the university community, as well as companies can utilise antenna measurement laboratory equipment as per the following principles.
Antenna measurement laboratory can be used for uncommercial research projects and teaching without charge. Working in the lab is guided by the contact person below, if the staff member does not have sufficient previous experience in using the lab equipment. Independent use of the lab requires orientation. Staff members can enquire about the lab reservation by email: jouko.heikkinen [at] (jouko[dot]heikkinen[at]tuni[dot]fi)
Students can utilise antenna measurement laboratory in course assignments, thesis work and research projects without charge. Working in the lab is primarily guided by course/thesis supervisor or the contact person below. Student must provide teacher/supervisor contact information, together with a short justified description of the lab use demand by email: jouko.heikkinen [at] (jouko[dot]heikkinen[at]tuni[dot]fi)
Companies can use the lab for R&D antenna measurements related to cooperation projects with the university or internal product development projects. Customer's employees can work in the lab either with guidance (assisted by the contact person below) or independently (providing that at least one customer's employee working in the lab is an experienced user of the equipment). The use of the lab related to internal product development projects is charged with hourly rate (according to the time spent for the testing). In the case of cooperation projects with the university the possible fees are negoatiated on a case-by-case basis. Additional information by email:jouko.heikkinen [at] (jouko[dot]heikkinen[at]tuni[dot]fi)