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Assessing and supporting self-regulation and social competence of children with neurodevelopmental disorders

The research project evaluates and develops methods for assessing and supporting self-regulation (especially emotional regulation) and social competence in children and adolescents with developmental difficulties, such as attentional difficulties (ADHD) or autism spectrum. The data is mainly collected in the context of neuropsychological group, pair, and individual rehabilitation. In addition, we will also collect normative datasets for novel assessment methods for emotion regulation in Finland.


PSYKE offers neuropsychological rehabilitation services for school-age children and adolescents with developmental difficulties. Difficulties in attention, emotional regulation, and social skills are typical issues that markedly impair an individual's social competence.

Research data is collected mainly as part of clinical client work in PSYKE. Participation in the data collection is voluntary for our customers, and refusal to do so does not affect the customer's treatment.

Coordinating organisation

Psychology Clinic PSYKE in University of Tampere

Psychology Clinic PSYKE

PSYKE is a teaching and research clinic in the subject of psychology at the University of Tampere, focusing professional practice development work, client work, teaching and research in psychology.