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Building technology as an enabler of apartment adaptation (ADAPT-TECH-ARCH)

Tampere Universities
Area of focusSociety, Technology

The project explores apartments' ability to adapt, focusing on the role of building technology as an enabler of buildings' capacity to accommodate change during their life cycle. The research produces information about the direction in which building services systems should be developed in the future, and what should be taken into account in the design of building services, when producing adaptable apartment buildings.

The project is funded by Sähköturvallisuuden edistämiskeskus STEK ry and Paasikivi Foundation.

The final report can be downloaded from:

Funding source

Sähkötekniikan ja energiatehokkuuden edistämiskeskus STEK ry

Erkki Paasikiven säätiö

The project working group includes:
Aki Kortetmäki, TAMK
Jussi-Pekka Juvela, TAMK
Timo Lähteenmäki, TAMK
Sini Saarimaa, TAU

In addition, thesis workers Mikko Jalonen and Rami Kotilainen are involved.