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Carbon accounting and organisational decision-making (CARACC)

Tampere University
Duration of project1.9.2021–31.8.2025
Area of focusSociety

This project takes an accounting perspective on a key sustainability issue: climate change and global carbon emissions.

It seems evident that any sustainability transition to a low-carbon future in societies is dependent on getting the business world involved. Financial and non-financial accounting information are key drivers of organizational behaviour. We maintain that the capability of organisations, financial markets and eventually societies more broadly to transition towards a sustainable low-carbon future is dependent on the quality of information they have at their disposal.

A key challenge in this quest lies with externalities, that is, information that is traditionally not considered or perceived relevant in decision-making or in evaluating the implications of decisions. This takes us to the heart of carbon accounting. This project aims at producing new knowledge on how carbon accounting can be incorporated into organisational decision-making processes in organisations.

The project is funded by the Academy of Finland.