Celiac Disease Research Center (CeliRes) conducts multidisclipinary research on gluten-induced disease entities ranging from epidemiological and clinical studies to genetics, immunobiology and microbiology.
Research focus and goals
The Celiac Disease Research Center has several focus areas:
- celiac disease in adults
- celiac disease in children
- immunobiology of celiac disease
- dermatitis herpetiformis
- genetics
Moreover, CeliRes harbors a service laboratory that provides diagnostic tests for health care providers and researchers.
Our focus is to advance the current understanding of gluten-induced disease entities. To achieve this, a multidisciplinary approach is needed. Our studies cover diverse areas including clinical and epidemiological research, genetics, immunology, cell biology, microbiology and bioinformatics.
The main aims of our research are:
- to improve diagnostics of celiac disease
- to understand the protean clinical manifestations of celiac disease and factors affecting them
- to investigate the prevalence of gluten-induced disease entities
- to understand the disease burden to patients and the health care system
- to increase understanding of the disease pathogenesis, including the contribution of genetic factors
- to optimize the gluten-free dietary treatment and work towards new treatment options
Contact persons
Katri Kaukinen
Professor, director of CeliRes
katri.kaukinen [at] tuni.fi
+358 50 318 6343
Katri Lindfors
katri.lindfors [at] tuni.fi
+358 50 318 6306