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City Drivers

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project22.5.2017–31.8.2019


The project aims to improve the creative industry professionals, entrepreneurs, students and teachers innovation and collaboration skills which are required when participating in various stages of multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary innovation projects. The aims is also to improve target group’s networking skills among their peers and stakeholders from other industries. A series of innovation courses includes theoretical training but the emphasis of educational activities is in hands-on doing in various Living Lab environments. Theoretical teaching covers topics such as innovation, media and culture/art driven methods, public tendering processes, startups and funding related issues. Cases for Living Lab activities are based on customer/citizen driven need which are provided by various cities in Finland. Project will also co-create ten concepts which combines various innovation, media and culture/art driven methods into one holistic approach. These concepts are licenced under creative common CC BY licence and therefore publically available for usage. As a part of Living Lab activities, the project will produce also a group of design stories, which illustrates how creative industry professionals can create additional value when collaboration with professionals from other industries. Design stories will also operate also as a personal portfolio for participants.

Funding source

ESR 2014-2020

Contact persons

Mika Jokinen
mika.jokinen [at]